Terarecon, Inc. Announces the AQPlaque(TM) Analysis Suite

SAN MATEO, CA--(MARKET WIRE)--Apr 9, 2007 -- TeraRecon (www.terarecon.com), a leader in advanced imaging processing technology and advanced 3D visualization solutions, announced the availability of the AQPlaque(TM) suite of vascular analysis tools for the Aquarius product family. The powerful toolkit enables researchers to investigate and evaluate a range of parameters from CT or MR images of vascular structures including coronary arteries, as a standard feature from standalone Aquarius Workstations or the AquariusNET thin-client software. Parameters relating to plaque constitution and morphology, including the overall extent of wall remodeling, luminal encroachment and the density distribution of CT values within the plaque, can be characterized with the AQPlaque tools.