The founder of Groupe Persavita Inc, Mahmood Piraee (PharmD, PhD), also a community pharmacist in Montreal, believes that his experimental natural health product has the potential to help Covid-19 patients in many ways.
MONTREAL, Nov. 20, 2020 /CNW Telbec/ - The founder of Groupe Persavita Inc, Mahmood Piraee (PharmD, PhD), also a community pharmacist in Montreal, believes that his experimental natural health product has the potential to help Covid-19 patients in many ways. The company is gearing up to test this experimental product in Covid-19 patients through a phase 2 clinical study already authorized by Health Canada. Persavita’s experimental product is composed of three natural ingredients with known immune modulating properties. The state of hyper-inflammation led by ‘cytokine storm’ is the major cause of severe illness in Covid-19. Dr Piraee is anxious to answer the big question through this clinical trial: “could this product help Covid-19 patients recover faster with less severe symptoms”? The new national Covid-19 projections are ‘alarming’, so this clinical study is of the upmost importance for public health. In our collective fight against this debilitating pandemic we are working hard to put together the resources needed to launch this trial early in 2021. I am incredibly grateful to our clinical research subcontractors and Health Canada that have been extremely helpful during the preparation of the protocol for our clinical study. Disclaimer: There is currently no approved treatment for Covid-19 and Persavita’s experimental product is not available outside of a clinical trial setting. SOURCE Groupe Persavita Inc |