PANalytical Launched The Empyrean Nano Edition

A goniometer-based X-ray scattering platform for advanced SAXS/WAXS experiments and more

Almelo, the Netherlands. On the Denver X-ray Conference 2016 in Rosemont, Illinois (USA), PANalytical launched the Empyrean Nano edition, a new hybrid laboratory instrument that offers a unique combination of advanced X-ray scattering techniques. From the experimental data (nano)material researchers can deduce information not only about nanoscale structures and dimensions, but also about order and disorder on the atomic level and about structural features in the range of several hundreds of nanometers.

Like no other instrument on the market, the Empyrean Nano edition supports all major elastic X-ray scattering techniques, namely ultra small-angle X-ray scattering (USAXS), small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS), SAXS on biological macromolecules (bio-SAXS) and total scattering (atomic pair distribution function analysis). The high performance and versatility of the instrument is enabled by a high-resolution goniometer, a modular concept based on pre-aligned components, and latest detector technology.

Typical samples that can be characterized with the Empyrean Nano edition include nanoparticles, colloids, protein solutions, surfactants, porous materials, polymers, nanocomposites, liquid crystals and glasses.

“Compared to single-purpose instruments the Empyrean Nano edition is highly cost-effective. And it even gives the possibility for further upgrades with e.g. powder diffraction, thin film analysis or CT options”, adds Jörg Bolze, market segment manager for PANalytical’s nanomaterial analysis solutions.

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