HANNA, AB--(Marketwire - October 21, 2009) -
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Historically, birth rates have dropped during poor economic times. A declining birthrate typically indicates a lack of people’s confidence in the future, as was evidenced in the dramatic decline in fertility rates following the Great Depression in the 1930s. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, birthrates fell last year after the recession deepened, just as they had following the previous four recessions -- a trend that is anticipated to continue in 2009.
This is not the case in Canada. While the poor economy has hit our neighbor to the north, according to market analysis firm Nielsen, sales in Canada’s $41 million family-planning sector are soaring with double-digit growth in ovulation predictor kits and pregnancy tests.
Speculation for this boom may be due to “less time and money spent outside the home,” resulting in more time for “baby-making” activities, even though history has typically seen the opposite result, according to an article in the Montreal Gazette (“‘Bit of a baby boom’ gestating, analysts say,” June 18, 2009).
Canada’s fertility rate did plunge during the Great Depression to an all time low. But those were different times, as the welfare state did not exist making a difference in factors such as birth rate. Further driving the boom is Canada’s maternity leave policy, which guarantees jobs for a year. This has resulted in year-over-year sales of ovulation predictor home kits, which are up 19% in Canada with a 23% increase in units sold. The family-planning category overall has increased 11%.
Good news for saliva ovulation test kit Ovu-Trac® produced by OvumOptics, Inc. The in-home kit utilizes saliva samples to identify fertility and ovulation. Tracking changes in salivary crystallization patterns helps women easily predict when they are ovulating. This individualized tracking method is particularly beneficial for women who have irregular cycles longer or shorter than 28 days.
What does the trend mean to OvumOptics president and founder Colleen Biggs? “Women don’t want to gamble with this decision. They want to control the outcome and make calculated planning decisions with the use of Ovu-Trac,” says Biggs. Ovu-Trac is a natural approach to fertility management and ovulation tracking that allows women to re-connect with their bodies and troubleshoot issues they may be having with their fertility before resorting to hormonal or other more invasive approaches to conception.
The appeal of Ovu-Trac is that not only can it help couples with their family plans, it is also an environmentally friendly and completely reusable kit. Biggs, who herself dealt with infertility and miscarriages, believes that the priorities of couples trying to conceive are different than most. “Infertile couples will make the necessary sacrifices to make their dreams of having a family come true, no matter what the economy is like,” asserts Biggs.
OvumOptics, Inc.
(403) 578-3055