Montgomery College Spectrum Lecture Series to Feature Dr. Ellen Chen

February 3, 2012 -- Montgomery College will host “The Development of Biomimetic Diagnostic Services” at the Germantown Campus Wednesday, February 15 at 4:30 p.m. as part of the 2012 Spectrum Lecture Series. The talk, by Dr. Ellen Chen, will take place in Globe Hall located in the High Technology and Science Center, 20200 Observation Drive in Germantown. This event is free and open to the public.

Like all Spectrum Lectures, this presentation is designed for a non-scientific audience, enabling scientists, students and the community to learn about groundbreaking advancements in science.

Biomimetics, often referred to as bionics or biomimicry, is the art of taking natural adaptive strategies used by plants or animals and translating them into engineering designs that can be used to implement products or tools. This talk will address key issues related to the design of biomimetic diagnostic medical devices. Dr. Chen will also discuss the essential skills to make a successful scientific inventor.

One critical issue facing the diagnostic medical device industry is the inaccuracy of data due to the interference of outside reagents causing a chemical reaction. For example, native enzymes used in many devices are prone to interference and may lead to false positive or false negative blood tests. Today, new technology offers a promising solution based on a “nanostructured biomimetic” membrane sensor design. The new approach can be beneficial to monitor blood glucose accurately, with less financial burden to patients. This technology may also be able to accurately detect the early stage of low abundance cancer cells.

Dr. Chen is the founder, president and the chief scientific officer at Advanced Biomimetic Sensors, Inc. Dr. Chen was previously a USFDA authorized scientific representative and a senior counsel in the Center of In vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices. Dr. Chen is also an inventor, holding two issued patents and four pending patents. She earned her Ph.D. degree in analytical chemistry from Purdue University in 1994 and her master’s degree in analytical chemistry from Southern University in 1989.

For questions or to request accommodations for physical disability, please contact Susan Bontems at or 240-567-7740. More information about Spectrum Lectures can be found at:

Montgomery College is a public, open admissions community college with campuses in Germantown, Rockville, and Takoma Park/Silver Spring, plus workforce development/continuing education centers and off-site programs throughout Montgomery County, Md. The College serves nearly 60,000 students a year, through both credit and noncredit programs, in more than 100 areas of study.