MedXperience: Organizing Committee Welcomes 24 European Delegations to Program Unveiling

On January 22, twenty-four delegations from a number of European countries joined the organizing committee.

Focus will be on artificial intelligence, big data, genomics and microbiome, as well as employment and European collaborations

Paris, January 31, 2018 - Medicen Paris Region, the leading health cluster in Europe, today announces the preliminary program for MedXperience, the first international health tech summit. On January 22, twenty-four delegations from a number of European countries joined the organizing committee, headed by Guillaume Leroy, president of Sanofi, Christian Lajoux, president of Medicen, and Faten Hidri, vice president of the Ile de France region, to discuss the key focus themes for the conference.

“We are delighted to see that the MedXperience event is gaining momentum and is of interest to all European countries. The high attendance rate at the committee meeting shows the enthusiasm around the project. MedXperience proves that the Paris region is an area of excellence and innovation,” says Christian Lajoux, president of Medicen Paris Region, speaking on behalf of the organizing committee. “By 2020 Medicen Paris Region aims to be acknowledged as one of the top three regions of excellence in the world for personalized and translational medicine.”

The MedXperience conference will be divided into two sections: the core ‘in’ activities and the additional ‘off’ activities. The ‘in’ activities will include an exhibition, a number of plenary sessions, discussions, B2B meetings, workshops, a hackathon and much more. Meanwhile the ‘off’ activities will include a meeting of the EASI Paris Region initiative by Sanofi (Academic, Scientific and Industrial Excellence in Health in Ile de France). Further events in this section will include the Tic & Sante plenary discussion, co-organized by the Cap Digital and Systematic clusters and EIT Health, among others.

Key hubs for MedXperience 2018 will include:

  • Diagnostics: precision diagnosis, tomorrow’s biology, point-of-care diagnostics, microfluidics, companion diagnostics
  • e-Health: artificial intelligence, augmented reality, digital tools at the service of patients
  • Advanced therapies: microbiome, CAR T-cells, gene and cell therapies, genome editing, implantable medical devices
  • Imaging: precision medicine, the impact of digital, medical imaging in 2030

The overarching themes for both sections will be:

  • Talent Factory: the influence of AI and big data on skills; start-up culture
  • European MedX projects: how to manage Europe’s aging population, access to finance, technology transfer, talent within Europe

The MedXperience summit will take place 15-16 March 2018 in Paris (Palais Brongniart)

About Medicen Paris Region
Medicen Paris Region is a competitiveness cluster for innovative health technologies, with national and international scope. With more than 300 companies, research centers, universities, hospitals and local authorities as members, it aims to position the Paris region as Europe’s leading healthcare cluster. It focuses on five strategic areas: biological diagnostics, diagnostic and interventional imaging, regenerative medicine and biomaterials, digital health and translational medicine. In close collaboration with local, regional and national healthcare innovation players, Medicen Paris Region aims to:

  • Foster the emergence, development and funding of certified collaborative projects in the healthcare sector, in order to create economic value and jobs
  • Increase the international development of innovative startups and SMEs
  • Strengthen the attractiveness of the Paris region, which represents more than 50% of life sciences activity in France

Since the creation of the cluster in 2005, 62 innovative products have been launched in the imaging, medical devices and biological tools sectors. The cluster has certified 292 projects. They received funding from the French government (French Inter-Ministry Fund FUI, Structuring Projects fund), the public investment bank Bpifrance, the National Research Agency, the European Regional Development Fund, the Investments for the Future program and/or local authorities, and the Paris region. Total investment is close to €1.9 billion ($2.3bn) and €533 million ($635M) of public aid.