Halt Medical, Inc. Announces Initial Commercial Results; Expanded Launch of Acessa™ System

LIVERMORE, Calif., April 1, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Halt Medical, Inc. announced today initial commercialization results for the Acessa System and additional launch plans.

“We are grateful and encouraged that virtually all our clinical trial sites expressed an interest in launching the Acessa Procedure. As of this past week, all four of our initial launch sites have purchased and performed procedures,” said Jeffrey M. Cohen, Halt Medical CEO. He added, “This is testimony to the proven value of the Acessa Procedure in resolving the debilitating symptoms suffered by uterine fibroid patients.”

The Acessa System was launched initially with the following physicians: Jay M. Berman, M.D., DMC Sinai-Grace Hospital, Detroit, MI; Scott G. Chudnoff, M.D., M.S., Montefiore Medical Center, New York, NY; Richard S. Guido, M.D., Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA; and David J. Levine, M.D., Mercy Hospital, Saint Louis, MO.

“The economic challenges to launching new technology in today’s healthcare environment are daunting,” said Rodney Marcy, Halt’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “Despite those challenges, our backlog of physicians and facilities desiring to integrate Acessa in to their procedural offering for the treatment of fibroids continues to grow. Current plans have us opening an additional five cities in April.”

The Acessa System is a minimally invasive laparoscopic procedure that delivers radiofrequency energy to destroy the fibroids. After treatment, the fibroid is re-absorbed by the surrounding tissue. Acessa allows the surgeon to treat only the fibroids, while preserving normal function of the uterus. Patients typically go home the same day with little pain, and enjoy a rapid return to normal activities. Nearly 300 women have been successfully treated with Acessa.

About Halt Medical, Inc.

Founded in 2004, Halt Medical is a medical device company focused on establishing a new standard of care for women with symptomatic uterine fibroids. The Company has developed and launched the Acessa System and Procedure, using radiofrequency energy to destroy uterine fibroids. The results of both U.S. and international trials have led to the clearance of the product by the FDA for use in percutaneous, laparoscopic coagulation and ablation of soft tissue, including treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids under laparoscopic ultrasound guidance. The Acessa System also has regulatory approval to treat symptomatic uterine fibroids in the European Union, Canada, and Mexico. The Company is located in Brentwood, CA. For information about the Acessa System, please visit www.haltmedical.com. Please connect with Halt Medical on Facebook at www.facebook.com/acessasystem or on Twitter at www.twitter.com/acessasystem.

SOURCE Halt Medical, Inc.