Frost & Sullivan Release: Millimeter Wave Technology Set To Modify Transmission Of Data Across Wireless Communications

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Aug. 11, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- The proliferation of smart devices and rising significance of interconnectivity is intensifying the demand for high-speed data connectivity, high-resolution data transfer, and cost-efficient data security; Millimeter wave (MMW) technology can address all of these demands. Recognizing this, government agencies across the world are actively funding their R&D in the fields of aerospace and defense, while consumer electronics and network carrier original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are eagerly adopting the technology to enrich the capabilities of existing applications.

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan, Millimeter Wave Technology: Impact in Key Applications (, finds that the telecommunications industry will develop MMW-based applications, which will have a huge impact in the next five to six years. This industry is seeking low-cost, high-capacity tools to transport data to the edge of the network, where small cells will reside.

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“MMW will find significant application in complementing the usage of the higher frequency spectrum in wireless communications,” notes Frost & Sullivan Technical Insights Research Analyst Jabez Mendelson. “The high frequency of MMWs would enable the creation of small-sized antennas and multiple-element phased arrays on a substrate chip. Furthermore, it would also aid in the design and development of compact MMW equipment.”

While the advantages are significant, MMWs also exhibit certain technical deficiencies. Millimeter waves are susceptible to rain fade (60 GHz and 70/80 GHz), wherein the heavy oxygen absorption in the atmosphere at 60 GHz limits the distance of signal transmission. Although there are various vendors who claim to have minimized rain fade, no MMW technology has effectively addressed this issue.

Nevertheless, technological advances are spawning new applications and ultimately, new opportunities for MMW technology across diverse industry verticals such as telecommunications, healthcare, aerospace, defense, automobile and commercial security.

In particular, there is a wealth of opportunities for such technology in the telecommunication industry, since there is more spectrum available for usage in the MMW bands than in the wave bands presently used for mobile communications. Similarly, when used in driver assistant systems, MMW technology can accelerate the commercialization process of unmanned vehicles. Furthermore, the technology has considerable utility in the healthcare and commercial security industries due to its incorporation in scanning and imaging devices.

Ultimately, MMWs can improve the accuracy and proximity of sensors in wireless sensor networks, while the greater precision of radar systems developed using the technology can boost satellite communication. Overall, it helps reduce the load pressure faced by lower frequencies and most importantly, enables the transmission of data without interference from nearby radio waves.

“Overall, with superior technology sophistication, the number of applications that can benefit from MMW will multiply, as will the business models and end-user markets,” remarked Mendelson.

Millimeter Wave Technology: Impact in Key Applications, a part of the Technical Insights (Information & Communication) subscription, provides an overview of the MMW technology landscape and its applications, drivers, and challenges. It also offers insights into the global trends, innovation indicators, and the breadth of applications affected. Additionally, it presents technology and application roadmaps detailing the future prospects of MMW technology. Further, this research service includes detailed technology analysis and industry trends evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants.

Technical Insights is an international technology analysis business that produces a variety of technical news alerts, newsletters, and studies.

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Millimeter Wave Technology: Impact in Key Applications


Clarissa Castaneda
Corporate Communications North America
P: 210.477.8481
F: 210.348.1003

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