Drug Enhancement Company of America Licenses Oculus Innovative Sciences, Inc.'s Microcyn(R) Technology for Use in First Responder “Pen-Like” Applicator

PETALUMA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oculus Innovative Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:OCLS) today announced that it has entered into an exclusive licensing agreement with the Drug Enhancement Company of America, LLC (“DECA”), under which Oculus licensed rights to its Microcyn® Technology for use in an over-the-counter first responder “pen-like” applicator intended for use by police, fire, military, emergency medical personnel, healthcare providers, homeland security personnel and consumers. Microcyn Technology, a non-irritating, non-toxic, and alcohol-free oxychlorine compound, combined with a novel personal dispenser developed by DECA, will be used as an immediate response to minor cuts, minor burns, superficial abrasions and minor irritations of the skin. The new personal protection system will be marketed by DECA as MyCydeTM.