Deep Breeze™ to Showcase New Predictive Post-Operative Lung Function Application at WCLC 2011

OR AKIVA, Israel, June 21, 2011 /PRNewswire/ --

Deep Breeze, The leader in Vibration Response Imaging (VRI) technology, will showcase its new lung imaging systems embedded with the O-Plan application, at the WCLC (The 14th World Conference on Lung Cancer) annual meeting in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, which will take place on July 3-7, 2011 at the RAI Conference Center (booth 2312).

Deep Breeze’s VRI systems are now integrated with advanced interactive software tailored specifically for thoracic surgeons; this software enables the physician to automatically calculate the predicted post-operative (PPO) lung function for high and low risk lung cancer patients prior to resection surgery.

The O-Plan application, with radiation-free VRIxp recordings, can be implemented as an alternative to nuclear perfusion scans that are performed prior to lung resections. The VRI O-Plan tool enables regional lung imaging quantification, which has been shown to be reliably correlative to the regional distribution of the perfusion. Additionally, following observations and trials of hundreds of patients, the VRI O-Plan tool has shown highly accurate post-surgery predictions compared to the VQ Perfusion Scan results and most importantly, the O-Plan has also shown highly accurate post-surgery pulmonary function prediction in comparison to actual lung function parameters (FEV1, DLCO) in patients, a few weeks after lung resection surgery.

“Our FDA-approved VRIxp lung imaging system offers an easy and radiation-free method to automate a calculation that is typically performed manually by physicians, when considering physiologic data prior to resection surgery,” said Dr. Miki Nagler, CEO at Deep Breeze. “The procedure can be performed in the pulmonary function testing lab or directly in the surgeon’s or oncologist’s office.”

“Predictions based on lung function testing and quantitative breath sound measurements demonstrated high correlations with quantitative perfusion estimations and corroborate previously published results,” said DR. Frank C. Detterbeck, professor of Thoracic Surgery at the Yale University Medical Center. “Given its simplicity of operation, lack of radiation and the non-invasive nature of VRIxp testing, it could be a good alternative to quantitative perfusion scans in preoperative lung resection assessment.”

Clinical use of the VRI systems with the O-Plan application in Germany, Canada, Spain, Turkey, Russia, the Czech Republic and China, reveal that this technique is suitable for wide use in predicting post-operative lung function in patients with lung cancer.

About Deep Breeze

Founded in 2001, Deep Breeze is a privately-held medical device company that provides advanced pulmonary imaging with its proprietary patented technology, Vibration Response Imaging (VRI). The Company has conducted clinical studies globally to evaluate VRI efficacy in fields such as: general pulmonology, COPD, CHF, asthma, interventional pulmonology, lung cancer, lung transplant and critical care patient management.

For additional information, please visit our website:

Contact Information:

Hagai ben Asher
Senior Sales Director
Deep Breeze
Tel: +972-46188605

SOURCE Deep Breeze