Death2Life Revolution Intervenes in Lives of Suicidal Youth Online

September is Suicide Prevention Month. In the last ten years, suicides between the ages of 10 and 17 have skyrocketed by 70%, according to the CDC.

PHOENIX, Sept. 11, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- September is Suicide Prevention Month. In the last ten years, suicides between the ages of 10 and 17 have skyrocketed by 70%, according to the CDC. It is now the 2nd leading cause of death for kids ages 10-24, and it kills more young people than cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza and chronic lung disease COMBINED. In the United States, someone kills themselves every 16 minutes. Suicide is an epidemic.

As suicide reaches record levels in the United States and around the world, Suicide Prevention Month is more important than ever. Web based non-profit, Death2Life Revolution pursues youth with 24 hour counseling and online intervention for those contemplating suicide and self-harm.

Death2Life Revolution, or D2L, is a faith-based organization that seeks to provide help to hurting teens and adults. They offer free, online counseling through chat or texting on their website, Users can remain anonymous, which has led to an upsurge in site traffic in recent years. The site counsels 300-600 people a day who have found D2L by Googling ways to kill themselves, or some other variation of such a search.

Death2Life President, Mario D’Ortenzio, says, “Kids who are suicidal need to know that someone cares about them and what they are going through. They need to know that they will not always feel this way--that even though they may feel sad today, they will feel happy again. We are here for them, so they can hang on for that day.” D2L stands in the gap for kids who are feeling helpless and hopeless.

The Save a Life Project gives donors an opportunity to fund this counseling and online presence so that the intervention can remain free to site users. Donors can sponsor one teen’s intervention for $30 a month. Monthly donations for one or more teen are encouraged, or one-time or annual donations are also accepted through the dedicated website: or by texting:

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SOURCE Death2Life Revolution