Corporate Whistleblower Center Now Urges MDs to Call Them About Rewards If They Have Proof a Hospital is Admitting Medicare Patients When They Should Have Been Seen as an Outpatient

The Corporate Whistleblower Center is urging medical doctors or registered nurses to call them anytime at 866-714-6466 about rewards if they possess proof a hospital anywhere in the United States is forcing their doctors to admit Medicare or Medicaid patients who should have been seen on an outpatient basis. Outpatient medical treatment costs Medicare about one third as much as a hospital admission.

WASHINGTON, Aug. 1, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Corporate Whistleblower Center is urging medical doctors or registered nurses to call them anytime at 866-714-6466 about rewards if they possess proof a hospital anywhere in the United States is forcing their doctors to admit Medicare or Medicaid patients who should have been seen on an outpatient basis. Outpatient medical treatment costs Medicare about one third as much as a hospital admission. Recently, a whistleblower received $3.3 million dollars for this exact type of information. http://CorporateWhistleblower.Com

In April 2018, the Department of Justice announced a hospital company agreed to pay over $18 million to settle allegations that 12 of its hospitals in Arizona and Colorado knowingly submitted false claims to Medicare by admitting patients who could have been treated on a less costly outpatient basis, the Justice Department announced. As mentioned, the whistleblower will receive $3.3 million for their information.

According to the Corporate Whistleblower Center, “We know medical doctors, registered nurses and hospital administrators are all under pressure to make money. We also know that forcing patients into a hospital admission because they are covered by Medicare or Medicaid is ridiculous-especially if the patient could have been seen on an outpatient basis. These types of practices cost Medicare-Medicaid billions of dollars each year in needless costs. If you possess specific information about a hospital or hospital system engaged in these types of practices-please call us at 866-714-6466. This type of information could be worth millions as we would like to discuss. Why sit on a winning lotto ticket without ever know what it might be worth?” http://CorporateWhistleblower.Com

Simple rules for a whistleblower from the Corporate Whistleblower Center: Do not go to the government first if you are a major whistleblower. The Corporate Whistleblower Center says, “Major whistleblowers frequently go to the government thinking they will help. It’s a huge mistake. Do not go to the news media with your whistleblower information. Public revelation of a whistleblower’s information could destroy any prospect for a reward. Do not try to force a company or individual to clean about overbilling Medicare. Come to us first, tell us what type of information you have, and if we think it’s sufficient, we will help find the right law firms to assist in advancing your information for a reward.”

The Corporate Whistleblower Center wants to emphasize there are high quality whistleblowers in every city, including Los Angeles, New York, Atlanta, Miami, Tampa, Dallas, Boston, Baltimore, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Memphis, Montgomery, New Orleans, Saint Louis, Chicago, Madison, Minneapolis, Fargo, Omaha, Denver, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Seattle, or any other city in the nation. http://CorporateWhistleblower.Com

The Corporate Whistleblower Center is the premier advocate for whistleblowers in the United States. Unlike any group in the US, they can assist a potential whistleblower with packaging their information and providing the whistleblower with access to some of the most accomplished whistleblower attorneys in the nation. For more information, a potential whistleblower can contact the Corporate Whistleblower Center anytime at 866-714-6466 or visit http://CorporateWhistleblower.Com

For attribution please refer to the April 2018 Department of Justice press release regarding this matter:

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Thomas Martin


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SOURCE Corporate Whistleblower Center