Cardium Therapeutics, Inc. Partners With NPI, InHealth Media

DELRAY BEACH, Fla., March 14, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Cardium Therapeutics (NYSE Amex: CXM) is now making its MedPodium Nutra-Apps® products available across the United States by working with Nutritional Products International (NPI) and InHealth Media.


Nutra-Apps are easy-to-use dietary supplements designed to promote personal health and well being for today’s active professionals. NPI distributes the company’s products to retail and online outlets across the U.S., while InHealth Media is responsible for the marketing of the MedPodium brand.

“We are very excited to work with both NPI and InHealth Media to not only expand the distribution of our products, but also to increase our brand awareness with Millennials, who love to discover new brands,” said Hanna Wagari, Director of Marketing. “Our Nutra-Apps are designed to fuel the active lifestyle of modern consumers, and we are proud to offer them throughout the United States.”

MedPodium Nutra-Apps are designed to have a pharmaceutical-like touch and feel that consumers seek. The capsules are small, sealed and come in one-and-done dosing. All of the products feature standardized and scientifically validated ingredients at the clinically studied amounts for efficacy. The packaging is designed to comfortably fit in a pocket or purse for use anytime and anywhere.

Nutra-Apps’ Neo-Carb Bloc® for weight management and Neo-Energy® for enhanced performance are packaged as “impulse buy” counter items for on-the-go consumers with completely spontaneous lifestyles. The packaging is bright, fun and eye-catching to help it stand out on store shelves.

“With its innovative Nutra-Apps, MedPodium offers convenience and value to consumers all across the United States,” said Brian Gould, Director of Operations for NPI. “We are thrilled to launch this line in the American market, and expect great things from the brand in the near future.”

NPI ( is a nutraceutical and cosmoceutical firm that provides sales and distribution services for worldwide brands. It specializes in working with key buyers across the U.S., providing a fast track to the world’s most important market.

InHealth Media ( provides comprehensive and strategic media services for sporting goods companies, sports media firms and organizations that manufacture sports nutrition, nutraceutical, functional foods, functional beverage and personal care brands, among many others

To learn more about MedPodium, please visit and view the Nutra-Apps video at

SOURCE Cardium Therapeutics; Nutritional Products International; InHealth Media