New York, NY – October 26, 2010 – ( Newswire ) Biotech News Update: A 12-page analyst report on UV Flu Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB: UVFT) will be carried by The Wall Street Journal as an advertising insert in the October 27th edition of the paper. The Wall Street Journal is published by Dow Jones, a world-class publisher of financial and business newspapers, newswires, indexes, magazines, and more. The report has been authored by Michael Williams Market Movers and can also be found online by visiting
With the cold and flu season around the corner, the report highlights how UV Flu Technologies’ innovative products and technologies address indoor air quality issues (where bacteria may be present) by killing airborne bacteria and other contaminants at rates exceeding 99.2% on a first-pass basis. UVFT’s flagship product, the Viratech UV-400 air purification system, has been issued a coveted Class II medical listing from the FDA that enables UV Flu Technologies to market the product as a medical device. Details regarding how UVFT’s technology works are identified within the report.
The 12-page color report will be featured in the center of home-delivered copies of tomorrow’s (Wednesday’s) Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street Journal has a total average paid circulation of more than 1.5 million, according to the last Newspaper Publisher’s Statement filed in March 2010 with the Audit Bureau of Circulations.
For more information on the company featured in the report, call the registered UV Flu Technologies’ investor relations office at 1-888-355-8838 or visit
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At Michael Williams Market Movers, we keep our finger on the pulse of change - in commerce, biotech, energy, and digital opportunities way before other investors ever hear about them. To learn more, visit . is owned by MS Corporate Communications, Inc. Information and opinions found on or published by (MS Corporate Communications, Inc.), including web, email, print and video, are for informational and advertising purposes only. No statement or expression of opinion, nor any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, is an offer or the solicitation of any offer to buy or sell securities mentioned, nor any other securities. (MS Corporate Communications, Inc.) and Michael Williams are not registered investment advisors. (MS Corporate Communications, Inc.) does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of information, nor does (MS Corporate Communications, Inc.) assume any liability for any loss that may result from reliance by any person upon any such information or recommendations. Such information & recommendations are for general or advertising information only. Information contained in this report contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including statements regarding the expected continual growth of the market for the specific company’s products, the company’s ability to fund its capital requirement in the near term and in the long term; pricing pressures; etc. This advertisement is a solicitation for subscriptions. UV Flu Technologies Inc. (hereafter “UV”), the company featured in this report, appears as paid advertising, paid by Cosworth Communications Limited (a non-affiliated third-party). UV has neither approved nor paid for this specific advertisement. Michael Williams Market Movers received a Fourteen Thousand dollar editorial fee from Cosworth Communications Limited, to cover editorial costs associated with the development of this advertising report. Michael Williams Market Movers stands to make a profit from the editorial services charged. Michael Williams Market Movers expects to generate new subscriber revenue, the amount of which is unknown at this time, to its online newsletter through the distribution of this advertisement.
Contact: Michael Williams, Michael Williams Market Movers, (212) 671-1148, UV Flu Technologies (OTCBB: UVFT) is a showcase biotech stock on (please read disclosure and disclaimers)
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