RegenoCELL Gives Second Half Update

NATICK, Mass., July 12, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- RegenoCELL Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCBB: RCLL) gave a second half update. James F. Mongiardo, Chief Executive Officer, reported that plans are being made for the conduct of clinical trials in the United States and Europe for its stem cell therapy. Simultaneous with these efforts, the company’s foreign subsidiary, Regenocell, Ltd., reported that it expects to begin marketing the company’s stem cell product for the treatment of congestive heart failure and peripheral artery disease. Sales have been previously made through distributors.

In the second half, Regenocell, Ltd. expects to increase revenues through direct sales, additional distributors and offering the autologous stem cell treatment in more countries.


RegenoCELL Therapeutics, Inc. is a stem cell therapy company using adult stem cells for autologous treatment of patients. The Company plans to obtain regulatory approval in the United States and the European Community to market its stem cell treatments. Through its wholly owned foreign subsidiaries, the company is marketing its stem cell treatments for transplantation in jurisdictions where autologous therapy is permitted.


There are therapies to treat congestive heart failure. But there comes a treatment point when the only option may be a heart transplant. Over 25,000 people are on the transplant lists but fewer than 2,500 receive one. The mean life expectancy of a heart transplant recipient is 8 years. A new therapeutic approach to treat this disease is needed.


The same RCLL adult stem cell treatment can be used to treat peripheral artery disease. In the United States, there are over 10 million people suffering from the lack of sufficient blood flow to the extremities with an equal number in Europe. This disease is most often experienced by diabetics in their toes and lower legs.

Since 2005, the company’s stem cell therapy has successfully treated over 500 patients. The typical patient is suffering from congestive heart failure with no treatment options and 3 to 6 months to live. Less than a half liter of blood is extracted from the patient and sent to the company’s subsidiary cell processing facility in Israel. There the patient’s stem cells are extracted and grown from tens of thousands into many millions. The stem cells are primed for angiogenesis or blood vessel formation. The patient then travels to a jurisdiction where autologous therapy is permitted and has the stem cells transplanted in a hospital in a catheterization laboratory in a procedure similar to angioplasty.


Exceptforhistoricalmatterscontainedherein,statementsmadeinthispressreleaseare forward-lookingandaremadepursuanttothesafeharborprovisionsofthePrivateSecurities LitigationReformActof1995.Withoutlimitingthegeneralityoftheforegoing,wordssuchas “may”,“will”,“to”,“plan”,expect”,“believe”,“anticipate”,“intend”,could”,“would”, “estimate”,orcontinueorthenegativeothervariationsthereoforcomparableterminology areintendedtoidentifyforward-lookingstatements.

Investorsandothersarecautionedthatavarietyoffactors,includingcertainrisks,mayaffect ourbusinessandcauseactualresultstodiffermateriallyfromthosesetforthintheforward- lookingstatements. Theseriskfactorsinclude,withoutlimitation(i)ourabilitytoobtain additionalfinancing;(ii)ourabilitytocontrolourexpenses;(iii)ourabilitythroughourwholly ownedforeignsubsidiariestomanufactureandmarketourstemcelltreatments;(iv)ourability toinitiateandtimelycompleteclinicaltrials;(v)thetimingofandourabilitytoobtainand maintainregulatoryapprovalsforourstemcelltreatments;(vi)ourdependenceonthesuccess ofourleadstemcelltreatment;(vii)ourinabilitytopredicttheextentofourfuturelossesorifor whenwewillbecomeprofitable;(viii)ourabilitytoprotectourintellectualpropertyrights; and,(ix)intensecompetition. TheCompanyisalsosubjecttotherisksanduncertainties describedinourfilingswiththeSecuritiesandExchangeCommission,includingthesection entitled“RiskFactors”initsAnnualReportonForm10-KfortheyearendedDecember31, 2010anditsQuarterlyReportonFrom10-QforthequarterendedMarch31,2011.


RegenoCELL Therapeutics, Inc.
James F. Mongiardo, Chief Executive Officer

SOURCE RegenoCELL Therapeutics, Inc.