Effingham, August 23rd, 2011: Details of the conference programme for Photonex 2011 are now available on the web: www.photonex.org/conference.
Now in its twentieth year, the Conference Programme has become the highlight of the UK’s photonics calendar. This year, the conference will offer a diverse choice of programmes dedicated to the hottest technologies of the moment. These include the popular themed topic: ‘High Power Diode Lasers & Systems’.
Advances in diode lasers and diode pumped lasers continue unabated as the range of applications increases enormously. These advances include improvements in the performance - power, range of available wavelengths, brightness and reliability. The advances in diode pump lasers have contributed to many of the recent advances in solid state and fibre lasers. This session is sponsored by the Scottish Chapter of the IEEE Photonics Society and is the fourth to be held in conjunction with Photonex. It will present outstanding work from industry, research institutes and universities, highlighting the latest advances in diode and diode pumped laser technology - inspiring the attendees with technology advances and giving insight into where diode laser technology is heading.
By popular request, it is more comprehensive than ever with a programme of invited speakers plus contributed posters while allowing ample time for attendees to network and attend the exhibition. Speakers are coming from many European countries and keynote speaker is Dr Robin Huang from TeraDiode in the USA, a spin-out company from MIT, who is speaking on wavelength-multiplexed 1kW direct diode laser systems coupled into fibre. He will also be part of the panel for the executive discussion held at lunchtime on Wednesday 19th. This is open to all visitors and, among other subjects, will provide insight to the US market and the impact of laser diodes on world markets.
The programme chair is Professor Eric Larkins from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Nottingham. “Having seen an increase in delegate numbers year on year, we are delighted that we have attracted an impressive group of speakers for this year’s meeting. This is an exciting time for high-power diode lasers, with the unveiling of direct diode laser systems capable of addressing demanding industrial applications, such as cutting and welding sheet metal. At the same time, visible diode lasers are making their way into applications such as displays. We will also hear about emerging applications with the potential for dramatic impact, such as ‘laser fusion’ for green energy and medical applications such as tissue welding.”
Potential visitors and contributors to the scientific programme are encouraged to visit Photonex website (www.photonex.org) and register their attendance today. And, with an equipment exhibition with over 100 companies expected in Coventry, the 2011 event looks like becoming another big success for the burgeoning UK photonics industry.
Running in parallel will be a showcase of the very latest vacuum and related technologies and innovations for applications in science and industry. Vacuum Expo 2011 will provide an unequalled business environment for the effective and meaningful transfer of information and knowledge within the field of vacuum, thin film and nanoscale technologies.
Networking between delegates at the 2010 Photonex conference
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