WAYNE, N.J., Jan. 19, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Maquet Medical Systems USA, A Getinge Group Company is celebrating 20 years of endoscopic vessel harvesting (EVH), which was pioneered in 1996. In this minimally invasive procedure, a healthy blood vessel is taken from the leg or forearm of a patient via a single, small incision and used to bypass a blockage in the patient’s heart during coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG, or “bypass surgery”).
For the past two decades, Maquet has been at the forefront of EVH technology, engineering nearly a dozen advances and new product generations in partnership with clinicians to make the procedure easier, faster, and more protective of the harvested blood vessel -- ultimately leading to better patient outcomes. The Company will be showcasing its HEMOPRO2 EVH technology at its exhibit booth at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS), which is taking place from January 23-27 in Phoenix.
“EVH provides significant clinical and cosmetic benefits to patients without compromising long-term outcomes or safety, so it is no surprise that EVH has become the standard of care for bypass surgery in the United States and many other parts of the world,” said Saurabh, Ashier, PA-C, Keck School of Medicine of University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. “With each EVH procedure that we perform, our goal is to produce the best outcome for the patient, while reducing the need for repeat surgeries to treat new blockages. With recent advances in EVH technology, we have come a long way since the conventional, more invasive open vein harvesting technique that was previously used.”
Studies have shown that EVH is associated with fewer leg wound complications and infections,i reduced hospital length of stay,ii,iii reduced post-operative pain,ii,iv,v and lower rates of hospital readmission and outpatient office visitsvi than the conventional open vein harvesting technique, which uses a long incision along the leg.
“Maquet is committed to collaborating closely with cardiac surgeons and harvesters to continue to improve EVH technology and to ensuring that as many patients as possible have access to this technology,” said Raoul Quintero, President of the Americas at the Getinge Group. “Recently, the two millionth EVH procedure worldwide was performed by a clinical team using our leading VASOVIEW EVH System.”
In addition to being a market leader in EVH technology innovation, Maquet has long been committed to educating healthcare providers about EVH. The Company offers a wide range of educational programs. For more information about these programs, please visit www.evhnocompromises.com.
About Getinge
Getinge Group is a leading global provider of innovative solutions for operating rooms, intensive-care units, hospital wards, sterilization departments, elderly care and for life science companies and institutions. With a genuine passion for life we build quality and safety into every system. Our unique value proposition mirrors the continuum of care, enhancing efficiency throughout the clinical pathway. Based on our first-hand experience and close partnerships, we are able to exceed expectations from customers improving the every-day life for people, today and tomorrow.
i Cadwallader RA et al. Great saphenous vein harvesting: a systematic review and meta-analysis of open versus endoscopic techniques. Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2009;43:561566.
ii Davis Z et al. Endoscopic vein harvest for coronary artery bypass grafting: technique and outcomes.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1998;116:228235.
iii Patel AN et al. Prospective analysis of endoscopic vein harvesting. Am J Surg. 2001;182:716719.
iv Morris RJ et al. Minimally invasive saphenous vein harvesting. Ann Thorac Surg. 1998;66:10261028.
v Kiaii B et al. A prospective randomized trial of endoscopic versus conventional harvesting of the saphenous vein in coronary artery bypass surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2002;123:204212.
vi Crouch JD et al. Open versus endoscopic saphenous vein harvesting: wound complications and vein quality. Ann Thorac Surg. 1999;68:15131516.
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SOURCE Maquet Medical Systems USA, A Getinge Group Company