Koning Receives CE Mark for High Resolution-3D-Koning Breast CT

WEST HENRIETTA, N.Y., Feb. 27, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Koning Corporation, a leading developer of advanced medical imaging systems which combine the advantages of Digital X-ray and Computed Tomography called Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) announced today that they have obtained CE mark approval for their Koning Breast CT (KBCT) system. This approval signals that KBCT is in compliance with relevant European Union (EU) legislation and medical device regulations allowing it to be marketed and sold throughout the EU and other countries recognizing the CE Mark.

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“This CE mark approval represents a major step for breast-imaging, and women’s health care, in general,” said Ruola Ning, PhD, Koning’s President and Founder, a pioneer and leading expert in Cone Beam CT Technology. “KBCT is the latest advancement in true 3D breast-imaging technology and focuses on a growing worldwide women’s health issue the early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. Breast cancer affects hundreds of thousands of women and is one of the most common forms of cancer in North America, Europe and China. We are very proud to be able to bring this revolutionary technology to benefit women throughout the world.”

KBCT is the first commercially available, fully-integrated, dedicated breast CT scanner designed specifically to image the entire breast with high spatial and contrast resolution at a radiation dose similar to or less than diagnostic mammography. The system acquires a set of images in ten seconds producing ‘true’ 3D images and multi-planar cross-sectional slices. Compared to current 2D diagnostic mammography with well recognized limitations, KBCT virtually eliminates tissue overlap and superimposition of structures, which are often responsible for failure to diagnose breast cancer early, when it is most treatable, thereby saving lives and reducing ever growing health care costs.

About Koning

Koning Corporation, founded in 2002, is an International Medical Imaging Company with offices in West Henrietta, New York and Tianjin, China (Koning Tianjin Medical Equipment Co. LTD), developing and marketing “state of the art” Cone Beam CT Scanners for the detection, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other medical applications. Development of the Koning breast CT technology and system has been supported in part by NIH/NCI SBIR grant (1R44 CA103236 ) and SBIR Bridge Grant (2R44 CA 103236-05 ). These grants benefited from the patents licensed from and developed by the University of Rochester under NIH/NCI grant 1R01CA085904 that developed a concept for cone beam CT, and an exploratory/ developmental 1R21/R33CA094300 grant that explored the cone beam CT concept’s potential for improved breast imaging. Koning Corporation is currently seeking FDA approval in the US, SFDA approval in China and Canada Medical Device License. Koning Corporation will initially market KBCT systems in Europe. As these regulatory approvals are achieved, distribution will be expanded to the United States, China, Canada and additional International markets.

Contact Information

John Neugebauer

David Conover

VP Sales and Marketing

Public Relations and Communications

Phone: 585-214-2459

Phone: 585-214-2459





SOURCE Koning Corporation