December 2010 -- Already for the third time the German Chapter of the European Laboratory Robotics Interest Group ( organized their annual “Forum”, at which users and vendors of automated technologies can exchange their experiences.
To discuss about “compound management” 76 scientists from Pharma industry and academ-ic research met end of November in Darmstadt. In 14 talks different applications of auto-mated technologies for example for the management of biobanks had been presented and were initiating a lively discussion in the audience. A vendor exhibition was accompanying the one day event.
Because of the great success of this meeting, which as every year was free of charge for attendees, will organize a “Forum” again next year. In 2011 everything will turn on “microfluidics and nanotechnologies”. Additional information will be found at the homepage soon.
Dr. Oliver Klotzsche Referee for Public Relations e.V. Tel: 040 / 471 965 74 Email: web: