Dia Marketing Pharmaceuticals 2011 Explores How Marketing Is Conducted in a Highly Regulated Environment

HORSHAM, PA, USA—JANUARY 26, 2011—DIA will host Marketing Pharmaceuticals 2011: Workshop for Regulatory Professionals and Promotional Review Teams from February 21-23, 2011 in Washington, DC.

Marketing Pharmaceuticals 2011 provides a better understanding of how the regulatory and legal environment has evolved, guidance on what can be learned from the latest FDA enforcement actions, and breakout sessions designed for each member of your promotional review team to help foster a common understanding of how marketing is conducted in a highly regulated environment. Session topics include:

• FDA Update: Recent Enforcement Actions

• Meeting the Federal and State Requirements for Appropriate Marketing Practices

• Ins and Outs of Social Media

• DDMAC: Update on Social Media

• FDAMA 114: Interacting with Payors

• Levels of Evidence

• CVM Breakout

• FDA Regulation of Device Promotion

• MSLs and the Sales Force

• Non-Traditional Forms of Product Communication: Promotional

• Activity or Not – That Is The Question

• Question and Answer Session with FDA

“This three-day conference will explore what is permissible and what is not from a US regulatory and legal standpoint,” says Program Committee Member Minnie Baylor-Henry, JD,Regulatory & Capital Markets Consulting, Deloitte & Touche LLP. “If you are a regulatory affairs professional and traditionally attend this annual meeting, now is the time to bring your promotional review team members together to learn about the latest enforcement actions directly from FDA DDMAC officials, government counsel, and other industry professionals.”

Register for Marketing Pharmaceuticals 2011.


DIA is a neutral, global, professional, member-driven association of nearly 18,000 professionals involved in the discovery, development, and life cycle management of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical devices, and related health care products. Through our international educational offerings and myriad networking opportunities, DIA provides a global forum for knowledge exchange that fosters the innovation of products, technologies, and services to improve health and well being worldwide. Headquarters are in Horsham, PA, USA, with offices in Basel, Switzerland, Tokyo, Japan, Mumbai, India, and Beijing, China.