dbaza Was Among The ‘“Top 20 Most Innovative” Companies Invited To Attend The U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services Summit

PITTSBURGH, May 5 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has invited dbaza, inc. to present at the 2nd Annual National Steps to a HealthierUS Summit, sponsored by the Secretary of Health Tommy Thompson in Baltimore, Maryland on April 29-30.

The Summit featured Top 20 innovative health promotion and interactive health communication applications that support prevention and chronic disease management.

“We are honored to receive this recognition from HHS for our work creating innovative diabetes education tools for children,” said Sergey Sirotinin, M.Sc., President & CEO of dbaza. “These interactive tools have shown to be effective in teaching youngsters about diabetes care and self-management.”

At the Baltimore Summit, Mr. Sirotinin gave a presentation entitled “An Interactive Computer-based Approach to Teaching Chronic Illness Self-management Skills”. More information about this event is available at: http://www.healthierus.gov/steps/summit.html

About dbaza

dbaza is a leader in the creation of technology-based educational products for individuals with chronic medical conditions. dbaza products improve the physical and emotional well being and quality of life of chronically ill people. Funded in part by the National Institutes of Health, dbaza product development is conducted by experts in medicine, education, psychology, the arts and human-computer interaction.

For additional information visit dbaza website (http://www.dbaza.com/), or call (412) 681-1180.

dbaza, inc.

CONTACT: Sergey V. Sirotinin, M.Sc. of dbaza, inc., +1-412-681-1180, orpr@dbaza.com