David Levin Joins Clinipace Inc. as Vice President of Marketing

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC, March 18, 2008 - Clinipace, a growing on-demand clinical research software company, announced that David Levin has joined the company as Vice President, Marketing. Levin reports to Chief Executive Officer, Jeff Williams, and directs product marketing and management, corporate communications, and customer experience.

Jeff Williams, Chief Executive Officer of Clinipace, explains the company’s need for a strong and cohesive marketing strategy as Clinipace continues to expand, “As we continue to grow in this often varied and complex industry, it is critical that the markets we serve -- biopharmaceutical, medical device and academic medical research -- are crystal clear about how our solutions can improve their post-approval trials, registries, and investigator-initiated research management. William continues, “Concurrently, we want to ensure that each customer continues to have a positive experience in all of their interactions with us, and David brings us a 15-year record of successfully positioning companies and their products within the healthcare industry, and delivering positive client satisfaction outcomes. We are entering an exciting time for Clinipace and David will spearhead efforts to bring our message, that our software as a service (SaaS) solution can serve the many demands of clinical trials, to more life sciences customers. He will be a key member of our product innovation team and senior management committee.”

Levin has served in a number of positions in the healthcare industry, most recently as vice president at MEDSEEK and etrials. Levin also served as vice president of marketing at MercuryMD, which was acquired by the Thomson Corporation in 2006 for a significant multiple.

About Clinipace: Clinipace is a clinical research software company providing a single, integrated data capture and study management platform for post-approval research and registries conducted by biopharmaceutical and medical device companies, Clinical Research Organizations (CROs) and Academic Medical Centers (AMCs). Our platform, called Tempo, is delivered via a web-based, on-demand architecture that streamlines the clinical research process by eliminating the integration headaches associated with multiple platforms, reducing project efforts and costs from startup to conclusion, and empowering project stakeholders to make informed real-time decisions regarding their research. For more information on Clinipace, please visit: www.clinipace.com Media Contact: David Levin Clinipace, Inc. dlevin@clinipace.com919.724.4043