CTS Europe 2011: Cell Therapy Leaders Meet to Shape the Future

February 2, 2011 / b3c newswire / - During the exclusive Cell Therapy Summit Europe 2011 (CTS Europe 2011) cell therapy leaders will meet to discuss the needs of the cell therapy sector and shape innovation paths for the future. Dr. Paula Salmikangas, vice-chair of the Committee for Advanced Therapies (CAT) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has joined the conference to discuss future regulatory needs including the usefulness of additional guidance for drug development. In addition, industry CEOs, investors and leading scientists will discuss key issues in product development, financing, production and commercialization. Registration is open.

The list of renowned speakers includes:

- Ronnda L. Bartel, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, Aastrom Biosciences, Inc.

- Gil Beyen, Chief Executive Officer, Tigenix

- Eduardo Bravo, Chief Executive Officer, Cellerix

- Brad Calvin , Vice President & General Manager, Flow Cytometry, Beckman Coulter

- Frederic Chereau, President & Chief Executive Officer, Pervasis Therapeutics

- Edward Field, Chief Business Officer, Aldagen

- Gilles Nobecourt, Head of Life Sciences, Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners

Interactive program and online pre-discussion

The highly interactive program examines the entire development and commercialization process for cell therapies. Registered participants can contribute to further program development by sending in views, ideas, case study examples, or questions. CTS Europe 2011 will be on March 10-11 at Château St. Gerlach, Maastricht, the Netherlands. Cell Therapy Summit Europe 2011 is organized by the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine, PharmaCell and Limburg Ventures.

Additional information about the event and the registration information can be found on the conference website www.ctsconference.com .

For information

Cell Therapy Summit Europe 2011 Conference Secretariat Tel.: +31 79 362 29 50 Fax.: +31 79 360 03 06 E-mail: info@ctsconference.com Website: www.ctsconference.com