AMSTERDAM, April 6, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Leading events organiser UBM Live today announced details of what is expected to be the largest edition of CPhI China, a leading event for the pharmaceutical ingredients industry, and co-located events P-MEC China, which covers pharma machinery and equipment, ICSE China, which looks at outsourcing solutions, BioPh China, which showcases the biopharma sector and the LABWorld pavilion for laboratory, analytical and biotechnology instrumentation technologies. Attendance to the events is free through pre-registration at
After a successful 2010 event, CPhI China is expected to grow once more in 2011. The events are projected to host over 27,000 attendees with 1,700 exhibitors, including many key players in all aspects of China‘s expanding pharma industry. The events are the most international pharma industry events in China and serve to act as a conduit for attendees to gain accurate market knowledge and competitor intelligence.
“China‘s pharma market is expected to become the 3rd largest in the world in 2011. The strength of China‘s industry allows the brands to consistently deliver a quality event in a growing market that is also forward thinking,” Annemieke Timmers, Brand Director for CPhI noted. “China is at the centre of Health Reform. The government has recently provided US$ 125bn in incremental funding to increase medical insurance coverage to all city residents and 90% of the rural population(1).”
CPhI China and co-located events will have a few new introductions in 2011. Most notable, is the addition of the first modular conference program for the events, with relevant topics in the current market, such as API sourcing strategy, compliance, reduction of cost and maximizing competitive strategies in generics. Also new is the addition of LABWorld pavilion to the P-MEC event which will cater to small scale laboratory and analysis needs. This new pavilion will couple with P-MEC to host over 320 suppliers.
“It is clear that China‘s pharma market growth looks very positive for the future based on past figures and current projections. Within the past five years, markets in second and third-tier cities within China have grown 28% and 47.5% respectively(2),” commented Haf Cennydd, Event Director of ICSE/P-MEC/BioPh/LABWorld China. “We have structured the events to offer specific solutions for the current market demands. For example, introductions such as LABWorld, located in the P-MEC event have been tailored to the Lab and Analytics sectors of the pharmaceutical market.”
CPhI China and co-located events are built around the needs of pharmaceutical professionals that are local to China, as well as globally within Europe and the US. Further information is available (including an offer for free attendance through pre-registration) at Further information about the co-located P-MEC event can be found online at:
Notes for Editors:
- With offices in the UK, Netherlands, USA, UAE and Brazil, UBM Live operates a number of market leading exhibitions, awards, websites/online products and publications in twenty different business sectors. UBM Live is part of UBM Ltd, a leading global media company listed on the London Stock Exchange. See
- UBM Ltd is a leading global business media company. We inform markets and bring the world’s buyers and sellers together at events, online, in print and provide them with the information they need to do business successfully. Our 6,000 staff in more than 30 countries are organised into specialist teams that serve these communities, helping them to do business and their markets to work effectively and efficiently. See
(1) Pharmerging Shake-up, IMS, 2009
(2) Guangce Jiang 2010 Speech: “The Current Status and Trends of Health Reform and the Pharmaceutical Industry”