13 February 2012 -- BIOCHEM, an EU-funded innovation project helping SMEs enter the bio-based economy, welcomes the renewed focus the European Commission has put on the bioeconomy in its latest Communication – ‘Innovating for Sustainable Growth – a bioeconomy for Europe’ – that was published today. SMEs will be key to the success of this strategy and the BIOCHEM project presents a unique opportunity for SMEs to enter and engage with the emerging bio- based economy.
BIOCHEM is a Europe Innova project under CIP co-financed by DG Entreprise and Industry. The project Coordinator, Steve Fletcher said “EU policy often reminds us of the importance of a healthy SME sector. The BIOCHEM project is giving SMEs a springboard to the bio- economy, benefiting both these small European companies and the sustainability of our sector. In the push to a more sustainable, bio-based economy, SMEs have vital role to play.”
Bio-based products are made from renewable, biological raw materials such as plants and trees. They are typically sold on into market sectors such as bio-plastics, bio-lubricants, surfactants, enzymes and pharmaceuticals. Bio-based products represent economic, environmental and societal benefits – and make up one of Europe’s ‘Lead Markets’.
The BIOCHEM project is helping ensure that SMEs are part of this future vision for Europe through activities such as Accelerator Forums. A BIOCHEM Accelerator Forum brings together SMEs and an influential audience of biotechnology investors, entrepreneurs and other major players in the bio-based economy. Participants network, learn about tools to evaluate their company’s potential to enter and succeed in the bio-based market, and have the opportunity to pitch new business ideas to potential investors.
The next BIOCHEM Accelerator Forum will take place in Frankfurt, Germany in June during ACHEMA 2012: the world forum for the process industry and a trend-setting technology summit for chemical engineering, environmental protection and biotechnology.
The BIOCHEM project, which started on 1 February 2010, supports companies and especially SMEs, to enter the emerging and highly promising market for bio-based products in the chemical sector. It involves innovation agencies, venture and public funding bodies and programme consultancies in seven Member States.
Through a series of Accelerator Forum events and a toolbox, BIOCHEM is helping SMEs get off the ground in the bio-based sector by giving access to bio-based market information, partnering and innovation resources, as well as coaching and audits.
For more information visit www.biochem-project.eu
Media contact: Annie Mutamba amu@cefic.be +32 2 676 7337