The Top Resume Action Verbs for Life Science Jobs

Resume action verbs

Learn some resume action verbs to replace with weak verbs 

Have you ever wondered why your resume doesn’t seem to be generating enough traction or positive responses to move along in the interviewing process? There are a host of reasons why life science professionals can be frustrated with their resumes. Perhaps their resume reads more like a boring list of job descriptions that they’ve held previously. It’s also common for individuals to leave off some of their key contributions and accomplishments because they forgot to mention them, or feel like they’d be bragging to write about them.

If you know that you’re a quality candidate but that isn’t coming across on your resume, there are some things you can do to tweak your resume for a job. In addition to what we’ve covered in the past, including more compelling, resume action verbs in your document will help you stand out. Action verbs are simply words used to describe the physical or mental action taking place. Some other terms for action verbs are strong verbs and dynamic verbs.

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Useful Resume Action Verbs

Replace Weak Verbs – You want to take every opportunity you can find to incorporate the resume action verbs in your CV. The main way to do that is to replace any weak verbs you’ve written. Weak verbs are those that are overused, and don’t provide much detail. Some examples of weak verbs are:

  • Worked
  • Talked
  • Handled
  • Continued
  • Believed
  • Told
  • Met
  • Put
  • Set
  • Stopped

General Action Verbs

There are some resume action verbs that can be used by most life science professionals regardless of their specialty. Here are the top action verbs for life science resumes. They include:

  1. Generated
  2. Earned
  3. Obtained
  4. Solicited
  5. Executed
  6. Resulted
  7. Recognized
  8. Achieved
  9. Effected
  10. Won
  11. Awarded
  12. Succeeded
  13. Ensured
  14. Accomplished
  15. Mastered
  16. Resolved
  17. Exceeded
  18. Attained
  19. Produced
  20. Accelerated
  21. Reduced
  22. Consolidated
  23. Strengthened
  24. Simplified
  25. Enhanced
  26. Streamlined
  27. Increased
  28. Expanded
  29. Restructured
  30. Restored
  31. Eliminated
  32. Corrected
  33. Advised
  34. Consulted
  35. Coached
  36. Informed
  37. Educated
  38. Acquired
  39. Negotiated
  40. Partnered
  41. Secured
  42. Aligned
  43. Facilitated
  44. Fostered
  45. Guided
  46. Mentored
  47. Hired
  48. Trained
  49. Unified
  50. Shaped
  51. Recruited
  52. Supervised
  53. Oversaw
  54. Directed
  55. Taught
  56. Centralized
  57. Integrated
  58. Merged
  59. Overhauled
  60. Revamped

Science-Related Resume Action Verbs

There are more specific action verbs that can be used by life science professionals as well. They are:

  1. Experimented
  2. Assessed
  3. Calculated
  4. Formulated
  5. Tracked
  6. Analyzed
  7. Forecasted
  8. Collected
  9. Explored
  10. Investigated
  11. Conducted
  12. Defined
  13. Extracted
  14. Examined
  15. Researched
  16. Inspected
  17. Reviewed
  18. Modeled
  19. Tested
  20. Observed
  21. Inquired
  22. Detected
  23. Measured
  24. Surveyed
  25. Found
  26. Located
  27. Studied
  28. Discovered
  29. Calculated
  30. Critiqued
  31. Derived
  32. Estimated
  33. Recommended
  34. Clarified
  35. Diagnosed
  36. Determined
  37. Organized
  38. Derived
  39. Prescribed
  40. Tabulated
  41. Interpreted
  42. Systematized
  43. Summarized
  44. Formulated
  45. Compiled
  46. Compared
  47. Classified
  48. Clarified
  49. Rated
  50. Converted
  51. Regulated
  52. Upgraded
  53. Coded
  54. Engineered
  55. Programmed
  56. Designed
  57. Mapped
  58. Qualified
  59. Quantified
  60. Pioneered

Incorporating resume action verbs into your resume can help it come across as more compelling and generate more interviews for you. Strong action verbs help to paint a clear mental picture of what you do and any challenges you’ve overcome. Read through your resume and consider removing any weak verbs you’ve used. Think about inserting action verbs that can set you apart from other professionals. How would your resume be transformed by including more action verbs?

Porschia Parker is a Certified Coach, Professional Resume Writer, and Founder of Fly High Coaching. ( She empowers ambitious professionals and motivated executives to add $10K on average to their salaries.

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