After Reports Of Eroding Patient Care At California Pacific Medical Center, Caregivers Rally Tonight For An End To Strike

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Tonight, hundreds of hospital caregivers will rally for an end to their 7 week-old strike at California Pacific Medical Center. Caregivers are hopeful that CPMC will soon accept a Federal Mediator’s contract proposal for settlement and are concerned about numerous reports of deteriorating conditions inside the hospital. At a Government Audit and Oversight Committee hearing on Monday, October 24, several CPMC Registered Nurses testified that strike replacement staff are poorly trained and contributing to declining patient care and sanitation standards.

At the same hearing, San Francisco Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin disclosed that he had spoken to CPMC CEO Dr. Martin Brotman twice and that Brotman “has indicated there is reason for optimism.” Peskin said that he expected Brotman to get back to him by Friday of this week and that he stood ready to take further steps to end the dispute.

800 caregivers were forced to strike on September 13, 2005 for a Federal Mediator’s contract recommendation that Sutter/CPMC initially accepted, than rejected. The Mediator’s contract recommendation includes safe staffing guidelines and an employee education fund already in place at all other major hospital systems in Northern California, including Kaiser, Catholic Healthcare West and Daughters of Charity.

What: Rally for an End to CPMC Strike Where: California Pacific Medical Center Pacific Campus (2333 Buchanan St., San Francisco) When: Wednesday, October 26 5pm Contact: Thea Lavin c.510-520-7732

SEIU United Healthcare Workers-West

CONTACT: Thea Lavin of SEIU United Healthcare Workers-West,+1-510-520-7732