MARIETTA, Georgia, Oct. 6, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- MiMedx Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: MDXG), the leading regenerative medicine company utilizing human amniotic tissue and patent-protected processes to develop and market advanced products and therapies for the Wound Care, Surgical, Orthopedic, Spine, Sports Medicine, Ophthalmic, and Dental sectors of healthcare, announced today that seven poster abstracts showing the clinical and cost effective healing results of the Company’s EpiFix and AmnioFix dehydrated Human Amnion/Chorion Membrane (dHACM) allografts will be presented at the 2016 Symposium on Advanced Wound Care Fall (SAWC Fall) at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. The SAWC, now in its 29th year, is the Official Meeting for Members of The Association for the Advancement of Wound Care and the leading national wound healing conference. The conference begins October 7, 2016, and concludes on October 9, 2016. MiMedx will be exhibiting in booth # 207 during all booth times throughout the three day meeting.
The seven poster abstracts will report on the clinical and cost effectiveness of EpiFix and AmnioFix dHACM allografts in the healing of diabetic foot ulcers, chronic diabetic lower extremity ulcerated wounds, venous leg ulcers, complex wounds, and hard-to-treat wounds.
Parker H. “Pete” Petit, CEO, said, “SAWC is the flagship of conferences and symposiums on wound care and wound healing. We are always honored to be a participant in this prestigious symposium. We are grateful to the Association for the Advancement of Wound Care, the symposium organizers and the physician members for allowing MiMedx the opportunity to display the outstanding clinical efficacy and economic effectiveness of our EpiFix and AmnioFix dHACM allografts at this event. We are always very pleased by the large attendance among physician members at our booth, educational sessions, symposiums, and presentations.”
MiMedx will sponsor a Breakfast Symposium entitled “Addressing Complex and Chronic Wounds with EpiFix dehydrated Human Amnion/Chorion Membrane (dHACM) Allografts and New Amniotic Products” on Friday, October 7th from 7:30am to 9:00am in the Milani III and IV Ballroom. The list of faculty and their respective topics presented during the breakfast symposium include: Jeffrey Frenchman, DPM, presenting an introduction to EpiFix, clinical data overview and case examples; James Stavosky, DPM, imparting his experience with MiMedx products in podiatric applications; Susan Hagen, MD, discussing complex wound healing and treatment with MiMedx products; and Michele Massee, Manager of Biomedical Research at MiMedx, providing an overview of published scientific data with key focus on diabetic patients’ cellular proliferation experience.
MiMedx will also sponsor two dinner presentations. The first dinner presentation will be held on Friday, October 7th, from 7:15pm to 9:15pm with Matthew Garoufalis, DPM, presenting “Application Techniques and Therapeutic Approaches Using EpiFix and AmnioFix Allografts for Wound Healing and Surgical Procedures.” The second dinner presentation will be made by Windy Cole, DPM, on Saturday, October 8th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Dr. Cole will present “Advances in Regenerative Medicine with EpiFix.”
In-booth education will be provided on October 7th and 8th by two prominent physicians. Matthew Garoufalis, DPM, will present “The Use of EpiFix and EpiCord for Wound Care Applications” on October 7th at 5:45pm and on October 8th at 1:30pm. Brandon Hawkins, DPM, will present “Extreme Wound Care: The Treatment of Difficult Cases That You Think Will Never Heal” on October 7th at 6:30pm and October 8th at 2:15pm.
Bill Taylor, President and COO, said, “We are again very proud of the large number of abstracts regarding our allografts presented at SAWC by practicing physicians. These abstracts represent the independent clinical research findings of these prominent physicians, and we are pleased to see the enthusiasm and support for the use of our products in their respective practices. The extremely positive outcomes of EpiFix and AmnioFix presented in the various poster abstracts clearly chronicle the remarkable clinical and cost effectiveness of our allografts. During the SAWC Fall, we will also be showcasing our broad amniotic and placental product lines including our newest product introduction, AmnioFill, a placental collagen matrix product, as well as EpiCord, a dehydrated human umbilical cord allograft and another of our newer products. We applaud the SAWC for sponsoring and facilitating this outstanding forum to showcase excellence in advanced wound care.”
The abstracts chronicling independent case studies and respective conclusions relative to MiMedx allografts include:
- Abstract: “Atypical Foot Wounds Treated with Dehydrated Human Amnion/Chorion Membrane Mesh Allografts” |
Authors: Brandon Hawkins, DPM. - Abstract: “Non-healing Wounds of Greater Than One Year Duration in Obese Patients Healed with Dehydrated Human Amnion/Chorion Membrane Allografts”
Authors: Vincent Simone, DPM; and Tammi Thiam, RN. - Abstract: “The Use of Dehydrated Human Amnion/Chorion Membrane Mesh Allografts in Treatment of a Large Heel Ulcer”
Authors: James Stavosky, DPM. - Abstract: “Treatment of Pyoderma Gangrenosum of over Two Years Duration with Dehydrated Human Amnion/Chorion Membrane Allografts: a Unique Case”
Authors: Windy Cole, DPM. - Abstract: “The Use of a Dehydrated Human Amnion/Chorion Membrane Allograft to Enhance Healing in the Repair of Lower Eyelid Defects Following Mohs Micrographic Surgery”
Authors: Oliver J. Wisco, DO; Rose Walker, RN; and Don Fetterolf, MD - Abstract: “Healing of Chronic Lower Extremity Wounds Utilizing a 4-Week Assessment of healing to Initiate Treatment with Appropriate Sized dHACM and Subsequently Achieve Healing in a Veteran Patient Population “
Authors: Anna Tien, DPM; Sara Park, DPM; Justin Goldsmith, DPM; Andrea Seat, DPM; Jake Ruff, DPM; Aamir Mahmood, DPM; Michael Czurylo DPM; Laith Shaman, DPM; and Matthew Garoufalis, DPM. - Abstract: “Coordination of HBO Therapy and dHCAM Placement to Enhance Angiogenesis in Microvascular PVD”
Authors: Saju Joseph, MD.
About EpiFix
EpiFix is a human amniotic allograft tissue uniquely processed through the Company’s proprietary PURION® Process. EpiFix modulates inflammation, reduces scar tissue formation and enhances healing. With a variety of sizes available, EpiFix minimizes graft waste. EpiFix is a minimally manipulated, dehydrated non-viable cellular amniotic membrane allograft that preserves and delivers multiple extracellular matrix proteins, growth factors, cytokines and other specialty proteins present in amniotic tissue. The Company’s PURION Process combines cleaning, dehydration and terminal sterilization, making EpiFix a safe and easy to use allograft stored at ambient conditions for up to 5 years.
About AmnioFix
AmnioFix is a composite amniotic tissue membrane minimally manipulated to protect the collagen matrix and its natural properties. AmnioFix reduces scar tissue formation, modulates inflammation in the surgical site, enhances healing and acts as a barrier membrane. AmnioFix is processed through the proprietary PURION Process that combines cleaning, dehydration and terminal sterilization, making AmnioFix a safe and easy to use allograft stored at ambient conditions for up to 5 years. The proprietary PURION Process protects the delicate scaffold during processing, leaving an intact collagen matrix. The result is a durable graft with natural barrier properties to optimize surgical performance.
About EpiCord
EpiCord is a unique, thick membrane derived from umbilical cord, the structure that protects the arteries and vein that carry essential nourishment and oxygenated blood to and from mother and fetus. EpiCord is a minimally manipulated, dehydrated, non-viable cellular umbilical cord allograft for homologous use. EpiCord provides a protective environment for the healing process, and provides a connective tissue matrix to replace or supplement damaged or inadequate integumental tissue. EpiCord is processed using the PURION® PLUS Process, a unique approach that provides an easy to use allograft stored at ambient conditions.
About AmnioFill
AmnioFill is the first product in the MiMedx placental collagen matrix product family to be commercially launched. AmnioFill is designed to treat larger acute and chronic wounds encountered in the surgical setting. AmnioFill is being offered in multiple sizes to address this and other surgical needs. AmnioFill is a collagenous matrix derived from the placenta and comprised of placental extracellular matrix (ECM) tissue. AmnioFill is a tissue allograft containing ECM proteins, growth factors, cytokines and other specialty proteins present in placental tissue. Over 226 growth factors, cytokines and chemokines, including important modulators of inflammation and factors critically important in wound healing, are contained in the AmnioFill placental tissue.
About MiMedx
MiMedx® is an integrated developer, processor and marketer of patent protected and proprietary regenerative biomaterial products and bioimplants processed from human amniotic membrane and other birth tissues and human skin and bone. “Innovations in Regenerative Biomaterials” is the framework behind our mission to give physicians products and tissues to help the body heal itself. The MiMedx allograft product families include our: dHACM family with AmnioFix®, EpiFix® and EpiBurn® brands; Amniotic Fluid family with OrthoFlo brand; Umbilical family with EpiCord and AmnioCord brands; Placental Collagen family with CollaFix and AmnioFill brands; Bone family with Physio® brand; and Skin family with AlloBurn brand. AmnioFix, EpiFix, and EpiBurn are our tissue technologies processed from human amniotic membrane; OrthoFlo is an amniotic fluid derived allograft; EpiCord and AmnioCord are derived from the umbilical cord; Physio is a unique bone grafting material comprised of 100% bone tissue with no added carrier; AlloBurn is a skin product derived from human skin designed for the treatment of burns; and CollaFix, our next brand we plan to commercialize, is our collagen fiber technology, developed with our patented cross-linking polymers, designed to mimic the natural composition, structure and mechanical properties of musculoskeletal tissues in order to augment their repair.
We process the human amniotic membrane utilizing our proprietary PURION® Process, to produce a safe and effective implant. MiMedx proprietary processing methodology employs aseptic processing techniques in addition to terminal sterilization. MiMedx is the leading supplier of amniotic tissue, having supplied over 700,000 allografts to date for application in the Wound Care, Burn, Surgical, Orthopedic, Spine, Sports Medicine, Ophthalmic and Dental sectors of healthcare.
Safe Harbor Statement
This press release includes statements that look forward in time or that express management’s beliefs, expectations or hopes. Such statements are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include, but are not limited to the positive outcomes of EpiFix and AmnioFix presented in the various poster abstracts chronicle the remarkable clinical and cost effectiveness of the Company’s allografts. Among the risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements include that the enthusiasm and support expressed by physicians for the use of the Company’s products may not continue; that the clinical and cost effectiveness of the Company’s allografts and the extremely positive outcomes of EpiFix and AmnioFix as presented in the various poster abstracts may not be the same as those experience by all patients; and the risk factors detailed from time to time in the Company’s periodic Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including, without limitation, its 10-K filing for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015 and its most recent 10Q filing. By making these forward-looking statements, the Company does not undertake to update them in any manner except as may be required by the Company’s disclosure obligations in filings it makes with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the federal securities laws.
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SOURCE MiMedx Group, Inc.