After winter, everyone is longing for the first warm strokes of the sun. But parents heavily underestimate the risks of spring-sun.
NEW YORK, March 26, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- After winter, everyone is longing for the first warm strokes of the sun. But parents heavily underestimate the risks of spring-sun. According to a study carried out by parent magazine, 90.6 % of all parents do not protect children correctly, 80.0 % overestimate the length of time their child can spend in the sun safely. After winter our skin is not used to UV radiation anymore and very prone to sunburns. It takes a while for the skin to build up a natural protection level again. Another factor exacerbating the situation: the ozone layer, normally absorbing part of the radiation, is thinner in spring than in summer and hence dangerous rays penetrate ground levels. This results in spring being the most dangerous time to get a sunburn. Parents should not take this lightly, as according to National Health Institute, sunburns triple the risk of developing skin cancer. But how much time can children stay in the sun safely? Based on current UV-index, age, skin color and protection level of sun cream, the free online-tool reveals the exact amount of time a child can play in the sun. A guide on SPF measurement, charts and more advice can be found at Main findings of the survey
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