University of South Carolina To Provide Transomic Technologies’ CRISPR-Cas9 Products Through Its Viral Vector Core

HUNSTVILLE, Ala., Sept. 6, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Transomic Technologies has announced that their new CRISPR transEDIT-dual arrayed library has been placed at the University of South Carolina’s Viral Vector Core. The CRISPR library is available to all research labs on campus through the Viral Vector Core. University of South Carolina researchers will have full access to the CRISPR library and to Transomic’s complete list of CRISPR-Cas9 expression vectors.

Blake Simmons, Transomic Technologies CEO

Dr. Seungjin Shin, director of the Viral Vector Core, believes that the new CRISPR library is an important and exciting asset to the university. “Our researchers plan to use Transomic’s CRISPR genome-editing tools to knockout specific genes of interest. We also plan to take advantage of the versatility of Transomic’s CRISPR library by pooling the CRISPR products to screen against focused sets of genes.”

These CRISPR genome-editing tools and other gene modulation tools can be purchased through Transomic Technologies at

About Transomic : Since 2012, Transomic has been providing the international scientific community with research products that help unravel genetic complexity and give insight into gene function, ultimately providing biological understanding of disease and possibilities for therapeutics. We have an extensive offering of gene-based products to enable research scientists to perform genome editing, gene knockdown, and gene over-expression studies. Our leading-edge products are developed through ongoing collaborations with academic thought leaders.

CONTACT: Blake Simmons, 256-327-9513,

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