Sponsors, CROs and investigator sites benefit from working together with Trialbee to drive high-quality data and increase statistical power
Sponsors, CROs and investigator sites benefit from working together with Trialbee to drive high-quality data and increase statistical power
MALMÖ, Sweden--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Trialbee, a global provider of best-in-class digital patient recruitment and engagement solutions for clinical research, announces the official release of its digital patient engagement solutions. With Trialbee, sponsors, CROs and investigator sites can increase patient retention, protocol compliance and adherence to treatment plans through customized messaging and support.
Trialbee’s digital patient engagement solutions allow sponsors, CROs and sites to improve protocol adherence and reduce data variability, leading to fewer drop-outs and better patient retention. Improving patient retention leads to a more complete set of data points and higher quality data, boosting statistical power.
“Our integrated solutions improve our clients’ opportunities for success with marketing approval and go-to-market timeline,” said Hanne Van de Beek, customer project manager, Trialbee, and trained nurse with many years of experience in clinical drug development. “Keeping study patients enrolled and actively engaged in a trial impacts data quality and boosts the statistical power of a study – enabling improved ability to detect differences between treatment groups and speed the process to market.”
Trialbee puts clinical trials in the hands of patients by integrating studies into their daily lives through a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) application. The app is iOS and Android compatible and includes patient-centric features that can be customized to empower patients with the necessary tools and information, and optimize engagement throughout the entire trial.
The integrated site personnel administration tool and “Participant Manager” simplify site workflow and decrease work burden on research sites. Built-in interactive response technology (IRT) connects patients to sites, driving better adherence to treatment, higher quality data, and improved patient retention.
“We work in close partnership with our clients to put real-time patient data at their fingertips,” said Lollo Eriksson, CEO, Trialbee. “These are long-term relationships in which we customize patient-centric solutions that allow clients to keep patients actively engaged and track and analyze patient flow throughout the entire clinical trial lifecycle.”
About Trialbee
Trialbee empowers patients worldwide with clinical trials as a care option through best-in-class digital patient recruitment and engagement. Founded in 2010 in Sweden, Trialbee has continuously innovated patient-centric solutions for global clinical trials. Trialbee - Dedicated to patients; driven by science; and powered by data. For more information, visit trialbee.com and contact us at solutions@trialbee.com.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20181204005320/en/
Crossroads B2B for Trialbee
Molly Thompson, +1 (001) 919.605.0022
Source: Trialbee