The Employers’ Association Offers Improved Health Plans With Medical Mutual Partnership

TOLEDO, Oct. 4 /PRNewswire/ -- Members of the Employers’ Association (EA) will have enhanced benefit designs emphasizing health and wellness programs and greater pricing stability with a new partnership with Medical Mutual of Ohio.

Effective November 1, 2005, Medical Mutual will be the official health- plan sponsor for Employers’ Association members in an 18-county area of Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan that have at least 51 eligible employees.

In order to better manage their health, EA members who choose Medical Mutual will have access to a unique Health Risk Assessment (HRA), a free online health information tool. The HRA, which appears in the My Health Plan section of Medical Mutual’s Web site, will provide EA members with information about their health risks and what they can do to improve them. The information will also provide Medical Mutual with data to help structure health and wellness programs to benefit EA membership.

The Employers’ Association will offer five different health plans from which employers can choose. These plans will have access to Medical Mutual’s extensive SuperMed Plus(R) network of doctors and hospitals. In addition, members will be able to take advantage of Medical Mutual’s health management programs that offer assistance in dealing with a variety of conditions, including pre-natal care, Diabetes, Congestive Heart Failure, Depression, Athsma and COPD, among others.

As well as offering affordable premiums, the arrangement will also help self-funded EA members deal with the escalating cost of health insurance by providing a two-year guarantee on administrative costs.

“For many years, Medical Mutual has been a resource for the business community of Northwest Ohio,” said Perry Braun, Medical Mutual’s market segment leader. “Managing healthcare costs and promoting healthy lifestyles while improving productivity will be the foundation for this partnership.”

“We are constantly looking for ways to improve the services we offer our membership,” said EA President Jack Hollister. “Medical Mutual’s health management programs, including the Health Risk Assessment, and flexible benefit designs will provide our members with the opportunity to improve business performance and productivity.”

In addition to the Health Risk Assessment, My Health Plan will also provide EA members a variety of online health information tools. My Health Plan will provide EA members the convenience of accessing Explanation of Benefit forms, tracking progress of medical claims and ordering ID cards online. With My Health Plan, members may also contact Medical Mutual’s Customer Service Department via e-mail 24 hours a day.

The Employers’ Association is a non-profit corporation, founded in 1950 by employers as a member-oriented service organization. The EA provides regional information resources and specific products and services to augment the human resources and management functions of member firms. For more information about the Employers’ Association, please visit

Founded in 1934, Medical Mutual is the oldest and largest health insurance company based in Ohio. The company serves its customers through high-quality, affordable group and personal health insurance plans, and third-party administrative services to self-insured group customers. Medical Mutual’s annual premium and service-generated revenue in 2004 was $2 billion. For more information, visit the company’s award-winning Web site at

Medical Mutual of Ohio

CONTACT: Don Olson, Media Relations Manager of Medical Mutual of Ohio,+1-216-687-2899, or