Syrris Releae: New Continuous Chemistry System Offers the Widest Range of Reactions

Royston, UK (1st August 2011) – Syrris , the leading chemistry automation product innovator, provides the Asia 220 flow chemistry system for chemical synthesis on the mg to kg scale. The system incorporates a wide range of temperatures (-15 to +250 ºC), pressures and flow rates. Furthermore, it can be used with solid or solution phase chemistry and its high chemical compatibility enables an extremely broad range of reactions. The Asia 220 can carry out a single reaction from start to finish, providing ‘walk-away’ automation, without the need for a PC.

The Asia 220 enables users to perform automated synthesis, with ease. Users simply need to enter the reactor volume, desired temperature and pressure, collection volume and desired ratio of the reagents, then press start. The system automatically sets the flow rates, injects the correct volume of reagents, controls reaction temperature and pressure, diverts the waste and starts and stops the collection exactly when the reaction product reaches the Product Collector.

Safety features common to all Asia systems include an automatic leak check and safety shutdown in the case of over pressurization of the system.

The Asia modular flow chemistry systems

The new Asia range of flow chemistry systems are fully modular, allowing upgrades to be easily added. The Asia 220 system can be upgraded to include flow liquid-liquid extraction, multiple flow streams and reactor stages, integration to liquid crystal mass spectrometry/ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (LCMS/UHPLC) systems and full PC software control.

For detailed product information on the Asia-220 system, as well as the complete Syrris product offering please visit

Syrris Limited

Established in 2001, Syrris Limited is one of the fastest growing science SMEs in the UK employing over 30 scientists and engineers at its facility in Royston (near Cambridge). With offices in the US, Japan, India and Brazil plus over 30 distributors worldwide, Syrris is world renown for excellence in chemical reactor systems.

Syrris develops laboratory automation products for chemists such as the Atlas automated chemistry systems. Atlas can be configured into a wide range of different systems for controlling round bottom flasks (magnetically and overhead stirred respectively) and jacketed reactors. Atlas systems are designed for applications including reaction calorimetry, volumetric dosing, gravimetric dosing, pH, etc.

Syrris also specialise in flow reactors for R&D chemists, including Asia and Africa , modular systems for chemical synthesis, aqueous work-up and reaction optimization. These systems offer faster, cleaner and safer reactions that will ultimately reduce the time taken to develop, synthesize, and review a chemical entity.

In recognition of its technological achievements, Syrris has been awarded a prestigious UK DTI SMART Exceptional Grant and was awarded the “Eastern Region’s UKTI Best Established Exporter” and the “Most Outstanding Export Achievement” at the Global Opportunity Conference on International Trade. Syrris has also won a significant DTi MNT (Micro and Nano Technology) award which has been used to establish a subsidiary called The Dolomite Centre Ltd. This company is focused on design and fabrication of Microfluidic devices for a wide range of applications.