• TruePrime™ promises to facilitate and improve single cell genomic analysis
• TruePrime™ is based on PrimPol, one of the most innovative discoveries in molecular biology
• Nature Communications is a worldwide reference publication for researchers
Madrid, Spain, and Heidelberg, Germany, November 29, 2016 – SYGNIS AG (Frankfurt: LIO1; ISIN: DE000A1RFM03; Prime Standard) today announced publication of a technical paper on TruePrime™ in Nature Communications, an open access journal that publishes high-quality research in biology, physics, chemistry, Earth sciences, and all related areas. The article, titled: “TruePrime™ is a novel method for whole genome amplification from single cells based on TthPrimPol” is now available online at: http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms13296
The article discusses the novel TruePrime™ method, which facilitates and improves on single cell analysis by reducing bias and errors with other clear advantages when compared to current gold standard DNA isothermal amplification methods.
Nature Communications is one of the most important references for researchers. As part of the publication process, the article is peer reviewed by world renowned opinion leaders. This review process validates SYGNIS’ science and technology and enables the publication to have a significant impact in the scientific community, and can become an efficient marketing tool to promote new technologies.
Dr. Heikki Lanckriet, Co-CEO and CSO of SYGNIS, said: “Publication in Nature Communications is another key milestone achievement for us that will help to promote and validate our new technology, TruePrime™. TruePrime™ is one of the most innovative discoveries in the molecular biology field and one of the key products in SYGNIS’ portfolio. This is proof of a growing awareness and interest in the scientific community for the importance of the combination of TthPrimPol’s unique ability to synthesize DNA-primers with the highly processive Phi29 DNA polymerase to enable near complete whole genome amplification from single cells. The research and discovery SYGNIS undertook with Professor Luis Blanco’s laboratory at Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (CSIC-UAM) in Madrid, to discover PrimPol and afterwards to develop TruePrime™ is truly a paradigm shift for DNA or RNA amplification. We are very optimistic about the response that the scientific community will have after the publication of this article. As a result, we expect to have an important increase in the demand of TruePrime™ products. This article is part of our marketing strategy to promote and validate our most important technologies through leading worldwide scientific journals.”
In July this year SYGNIS launched the TruePrime™ Single Cell WGA Kit V2 with significantly improved conditions for an expanded range of cell types and applications.
Abstract published in Nature Communications:
“Sequencing of a single cell genome requires DNA amplification, a process prone to introducing bias and errors into the amplified genome. Here we introduce a novel multiple
displacement amplification (MDA) method based in the unique DNA primase features of Thermus thermophilus (Tth) PrimPol. TthPrimPol displays a potent primase activity preferring dNTPs as substrates unlike conventional primases. A combination of TthPrimPol’s unique ability to synthesize DNA-primers with the highly processive Phi29 DNA polymerase (F29DNApol) enables near complete whole genome amplification from single cells. This novel method demonstrates superior breadth and evenness of genome coverage, high reproducibility, excellent single nucleotide variant (SNV) detection rates with low allelic dropout (ADO) and low chimera formation as exemplified by sequencing Hek293 cells. Moreover, copy number variant (CNV) calling yields superior results compared to random primer-based MDA methods. The advantages of this method, that we named TruePrime™, promise to facilitate and improve single cell genomic analysis.”