COPENHAGEN, June 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Santaris Pharma and Copenhagen Institute of Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark, announced today that Director of microRNA, Santaris Pharma, Sakari Kauppinen, has been appointed Adjunct Professor in RNA Biology at Copenhagen Institute of Technology. The appointment has immediate effect and will last five years. Sakari Kauppinen, who will continue his in current role as Director of MicroRNA Research at Santaris Pharma, will give his inaugural lecture in August this year.
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Sakari Kauppinen, Director of MicroRNA Research at Santaris Pharma said:
“I feel very honored to be appointed Adjunct Professor in RNA Biology at the Copenhagen Institute of Technology, Aalborg University. Close collaborations with academia are essential for Santaris Pharma’s expanding microRNA therapeutics program, which aims at translating the basic knowledge about microRNAs in disease into development of novel medicines with the potential to improve human health. I am looking forward to interacting closely with Aalborg University, whose experience in working with the biotech industry is highly synergistic with our way of collaborating with academia.”
Soren Tulstrup, CEO of Santaris Pharma said:
“We are thrilled that Sakari Kauppinen has received this important academic appointment. Sakari Kauppinen has helped bring Santaris Pharma to a leadership position worldwide within the exciting new scientific field of microRNA, and I am sure he will contribute significantly to the university in his future additional capacity as Adjunct Professor.”
Lene Lange, Professor, Dr. Scient. Vice Dean for the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine, Aalborg University said:
“Sakari Kauppinen is superbly qualified for the position as Adjunct Professor at Copenhagen Institute of Technology, Aalborg University. The decision was made based upon his groundbreaking work, his standing as an international leader in the microRNA field, his service to the scientific community, and his status as a valued and generous colleague. A close relationship with the knowledge intensive private industry is very important to Aalborg University, so the fact that Sakari Kauppinen can achieve this stature while working as a scientist in Santaris Pharma makes him a truly rare individual and even more valuable for Copenhagen Institute of Technology and Aalborg University. The university is fortunate to have Sakari Kauppinen as a member of the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine.”
Santaris Pharma (founded in 2003) is a privately held biopharmaceutical company developing new classes of RNA medicines targeting disease-related mRNAs and miRNAs based on its proprietary LNA chemistry. The Company’s own research and development activities focus on microRNAs, infectious diseases and metabolic disorders. Santaris Pharma is leveraging its highly effective and efficient Drug Discovery Engine to generate lead LNA drug candidates against a broad array of disease targets selected by strategic partners. The Company and its corporate partners currently have four compounds in clinical development and a full pipeline in late preclinical development. Santaris Pharma has since its inception raised nearly $100 million through private financing and upfront payments.
CONTACT: Contact: For further information please contact, Randi
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