Rho Release: Dr. Katherine Monti Elected to the Biopharmaceutical Section of the American Statistical Association

Chapel Hill, N.C. – Rho, Inc., a contract research organization that provides a full range of clinical development services to the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and medical device industries, is pleased to announce that Dr. Katherine Monti, Director of Rho’s Massachusetts office and Senior Statistical Scientist, has been elected to lead the Biopharmaceutical Section of the American Statistical Association (ASA) for a three-year term: Chair-Elect in 2009, Chair in 2010, and Past-Chair in 2011.

The ASA is the world’s largest association of statisticians, and the Biopharmaceutical Section is the largest and one of the most active sections of the association. Members of the Biopharmaceutical Section are interested in the application of statistics to the development and use of therapeutic drugs and devices in humans and animals. To this end, the section helps organize and sponsor several prominent workshops and conferences each year, publishes a substantive newsletter, and promotes and recognizes excellence through sponsorship of several awards.

Dr. Monti’s service to the ASA has spanned over 30 years. Her involvement began in 1974 and progressed into leadership roles in the ASA’s Boston Chapter during the past 15 years. In 2005, Dr. Monti was elected to the ASA Board of Directors and the Council of Chapters Governing Board for a three-year term beginning in 2006. She held offices in the ASA’s Biopharmaceutical Section for 5 years prior to her 2005 appointments. She was also a member and chair of the ASA’s Advisory Committee on Continuing Education. In 2007, Dr. Monti was bestowed with the ASA’s honor of Fellow.

With this new appointment, Dr. Monti says she is “looking forward with enthusiasm to working with colleagues on the Section’s Executive Committee to continue and expand services to our members. As my role as Chair-Elect in 2009, I will need to be making various appointments in the Section, and I will need volunteers to fill those spots. I would genuinely be delighted to hear from anyone who is interested in becoming more involved with the section.”

Katherine Monti is a respected expert in statistics with a wealth of experience in the field. She specializes in statistics tailored to the biopharmaceutical industry, in which she has worked for over a decade. In her current position at Rho, Dr. Monti oversees an experienced team of statistical programmers and biostatisticians in Newton, a suburb of Boston.

Dr. Ronald Helms, Chief Scientific Officer and co-founder of Rho, has known Dr. Monti for her entire professional career. He reports that “Kathy is a valuable asset to any organization with which she is affiliated. She is a respected professional at Rho, as many of her colleagues in and out of Rho can—and do—attest. It goes without saying that her contributions to ASA are also highly regarded. I am excited for her as she accepts the challenge of this prestigious ASA office, and I know that she will serve the Section and the profession well in this post.”

Rho, Inc. is a specialty CRO with full-service capabilities that enhances the quality and speed of clinical trials, helping pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies swiftly develop new products. Rho has provided high-quality services in the areas of clinical operations, clinical data management, statistical programming, biostatistics, medical writing, and custom systems development since 1984. With over 300 professionals located in Chapel Hill, N.C., and Newton, Mass., Rho is committed to providing accurate, efficient, and comprehensive services to clients worldwide.

For additional information about Rho, Inc., and its services, please visit our web site at www.RhoWorld.com, e-mail info@RhoWorld.com, or call 1-888-RHO-DATA.