Report: 5 Percent of Consumer Medical Devices are Wireless

According to a recent study by IMS Research, by 2016 more wireless enabled consumer medical devices will use Bluetooth Smart than any other wireless technology. Bluetooth Smart is the newest flavor of the technology. IMS predicts that 4.7 million Bluetooth Smart-enabled consumer medical devices will ship in 2016 and some 10.3 million will ship between now and then. Overall, more than 35 percent of wireless-enabled consumer medical devices will leverage Bluetooth Smart in 2016. This year just 5 percent of consumer medical devices will have the ability to make some kind of wireless connection, according to IMS. By 2016 that number will only climb to 9 percent of consumer medical devices. IMS expects ANT technology to also have its own supporters: About 500,000 ANT-enabled consumer medical devices will ship in 2016.