Oxford Gene Technology Ltd. Releases New NGS Application Note Focusing on Results, Not Data

Oxford, UK – 2 August 2012. Oxford Gene Technology (OGT), provider of innovative clinical genetics and diagnostic solutions to advance molecular medicine, has released a new application note, ‘Focusing on results not data — comprehensive data analysis for targeted next generation sequencing (NGS)’, to support researchers in dealing with the challenges of complex NGS data analysis. The application note discusses OGT’s next generation sequencing (NGS) data analysis pipeline, which incorporates complete sequence data processing, including the annotation, filtering and ranking of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), as well as insertions and deletions (indels). This approach allows researchers to focus on their results rather than the complexities of analysis, specifically the high-quality, relevant, filtered and ranked variant information.

The pipeline is ideal for biomedical and translational researchers, who do not have ready access to bioinformatics expertise, and is designed to make it easy to understand the results obtained from targeted sequencing and whole exome studies so that researchers can focus on their biological significance. To discover the full depth of OGT’s data analysis pipeline download the application note, or visit OGT’s website for more details about the company’s Genefficiency™ Targeted Sequencing Services.

To coincide with the release of the new application note, OGT is offering free data analysis for targeted sequencing service quotes requested before the 10th of August 2012, including whole exome or custom panel sequencing (terms and conditions apply). To find out more, visit the OGT website or email contact@ogt.co.uk.

For further information, please contact:

Oxford Gene Technology, Begbroke Science Park, Begbroke Hill, Woodstock Road, Begbroke, Oxfordshire, OX5 1PF, U.K.

T: +44 (0) 1865 856826 ; F: +44 (0) 1865 848684 ; E: contact@ogt.co.uk

W: www.ogt.co.uk ; Twitter: @OxfordGeneTech

About Oxford Gene Technology

Founded by Professor Ed Southern, Oxford Gene Technology (OGT) provides innovative clinical genetics and diagnostic solutions to advance molecular medicine. www.ogt.co.uk.

Diagnostic Biomarkers: Utilising proprietary next generation technologies, OGT is building a rich patent-protected portfolio of promising biomarkers for early-stage cancer and autoimmune disease detection. The biomarker pipeline includes advanced programmes in colorectal cancer, prostate cancer and pancreatic cancer plus the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). OGT is currently assessing partnership opportunities to commercialise these biomarker panels.

Clinical & Genomic Solutions: OGT’s Genefficiency™ is a unique combination of world-leading platforms, people, processing power and performance synchronised to deliver rapid, high-quality genomic data to customers worldwide. OGT’s CytoSure™ cytogenetics array, labelling and interpretation software products and services provide a complete solution for the detection of chromosomal abnormalities. Together, Genefficiency and CytoSure offer a unique, standardised and integrated solution for cytogenetics research.

CytoSure™: For research use only

This product is provided under an agreement between Agilent Technologies, Inc., and OGT. The manufacture, use, sale or import of this product may be subject to one or more of U.S. patents, pending applications, and corresponding international equivalents, owned by Agilent Technologies, Inc. The purchaser has the non-transferable right to use and consume the product for RESEARCH USE ONLY AND NOT for DIAGNOSTICS PROCEDURES. It is not intended for use, and should not be used, for the diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of any disease or condition, or for the investigation of any physiological process, in any identifiable human, or for any other medical purpose.