Nanopool Release: New Market Analysis Sees Huge Potential Of Nano Coating

HÜLZWEILER, Germany, July 26, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --

Good news from industry insiders:

Leading analysts predict further considerable growth prospects in the nano technology sector for the years to come.

Experts calculated a worldwide market value of 3.8 billion dollars up to the year 2020 for the antibacterial nano coatings segment alone. This is demonstrated in the business report of “Global Industry Analysts”.

For Nanopool, a manufacturer of high-performance coating systems, those figures affirm the strategic direction of their product development. As early as the beginning of 2006, the German patent and trademark office (DPMA) granted a patent for an antibacterial coating, amongst others, to Nanopool’s managing director and inventor, Mr. Sascha Schwindt. This gives Nanopool the monopoly on the production and application of antimicrobial surface protection systems all over Europe until 2027. In particular, this includes vessels, harbour installation, oil platforms and pipes, which are exposed to extreme stress in the sea water, and need to be protected against fouling and other contamination.

Furthermore, the patented products of Nanopool are also suitable for preventing humidity from occurring in packaging. The antibacterial protective coatings are additionally used in hospitals and retirement homes, canteen kitchen, food processing facilities as well as in trains and buses.

Nanopool was founded as a distribution company for nano-products from German Saarland back in 2002. For 10 years Nanopool has specialised in its own research, development and production of high-performance coatings and its products can be found in many different market segments. Due to Nanopool’s long experience and comprehensive product portfolio, the company is able to offer tailor-made solutions to private and industrial customers. “The strategic orientation of our company in 2006 was the right decision,” Nanopool’s managing director Sascha Schwindt says. “This is shown in the latest market analysis, and our satisfied customers and partners prove this.”


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