MOLOGEN AG (ISIN DE0006637200) has announced that one of its core technologies, the MIDGE gene transfer vector, has been presented with the “Frost & Sullivan 2006 Technology Innovation of the Year Award”. The international jury recognized that the use of MIDGE vector technology in DNA vaccination and gene therapy is both safe and efficacious. It will considerably improve the fight against diseases that have previously been difficult to treat. In particular, the safety problems and adverse effects of previous virus-based vectors are completely avoided by using MIDGE. Toxicity and triggering of inflammation, as caused by bacterial DNA (known as plasmids), are also not an issue with MIDGE. The MIDGE technology has the potential to completely replace bacterial plasmids and viral vectors in DNA vaccination and gene therapy and to set new standards in safety and efficacy. The full laudation text can be viewed on the MOLOGEN website and is available for download.