Leica Microsystems Launches Free Digital Pathology App for Microsoft’s iPad and iPhone

June 28, 2011 -- Wetzlar, Germany. Leica Microsystems announces the release of the SlidePath Gateway application for iPad and iPhone, which is the latest addition to the Total Digital Pathology portfolio. SlidePath Gateway is a Digital Pathology viewing application with built-in educational content from leading institutes and pathologists. The free application is available now for download from the Apple App store.

SlidePath Gateway provides access to high quality whole slide images captured on the Leica SCN400 slide scanner, with expert review findings and content provided by contributing bodies including:

- ASCP CheckPath Anatomical Pathology EQA Program (2006)

- Cerviva Cervical Cytology EQA Pilot (2009)

- NHS Breast Screening Pathology EQA Program (2010)

- UK National Urologic Pathology EQA Program (2009)

- UKNEQAS HER2 Breast Interpretive EQA Pilo (2011)

Dr. Donal O’Shea, Head of Digital Pathology in Leica Microsystems says, “The release of the SlidePath Gateway App displays Leica Microsystems’ commitment to develop and expand its Digital Pathology portfolio. With this App we are giving everyone the opportunity to try Digital Pathology, access high resolution whole slide images and expert opinions, through a highly intuitive user interface. With the rapid adoption and acceptance of iPads and other tablet devices in hospitals and clinical settings, we see SlidePath Gateway paving the way for future adoption of Digital Pathology in routine use.”

SlidePath Gateway for the iPad puts Digital Pathology at your fingertips. Users who install the application can browse folders of images from each of the External Quality Assessment (EQA) programs, select individual cases and view, zoom and navigate around the slides. Each case includes expert pathologist assessments, which can be viewed with the slides, giving increased insight into the samples. They can also see a sample set of Leica Biosystems’ Novocastra antibody range.

Existing users of Leica Microsystems’ Digital Pathology management solution, SlidePath Digital Image Hub (DIH), who usually access their system via a standard internet browser, can now securely connect to their own DIH library of images and review them through the application.

Building on a strong reputation for providing high quality, easy-to-use systems, SlidePath Gateway demonstrates Leica’s drive to deliver cutting edge, flexible tools to the Digital Pathology market. www.leica-microsystems.com/products/digital-pathology


Leica Microsystems is a world leader in microscopes and scientific instruments. Founded as a family business in the nineteenth century, the company’s history was marked by unparalleled innovation on its way to becoming a global enterprise.

Its historically close cooperation with the scientific community is the key to Leica Microsystems’ tradition of innovation, which draws on users’ ideas and creates solutions tailored to their requirements. At the global level, Leica Microsystems is organized in four divisions, all of which are among the leaders in their respective fields: the Life Science Division, Industry Division, Biosystems Division and Medical Division.

Leica Microsystems’ Biosystems Division, also known as Leica Biosystems, offers histopathology laboratories the most extensive product range with appropriate products for each work step in histology and for a high level of productivity in the working processes of the entire laboratory.

The company is represented in over 100 countries with 12 manufacturing facilities in 7 countries, sales and service organizations in 19 countries and an international network of dealers. The company is headquartered in Wetzlar, Germany.