The MS Society of Canada will host its annual MS Walk throughout the month of May – MS Awareness Month — to raise awareness for an important cause in a safe way that will respect public health guidelines.
TORONTO, May 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The MS Society of Canada will host its annual MS Walk throughout the month of May – MS Awareness Month — to raise awareness for an important cause in a safe way that will respect public health guidelines.
MS Walk is a nationwide community-driven event to build awareness and raise much needed funds that will help bring us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis (MS). While the MS Society will not be hosting in-person events due to the pandemic, participants are encouraged to take part in the MS Walk in their own communities — however they choose to do so. Whether by walking in their own backyard, around the block or on a hiking trail, the MS Walk gets individuals across the country moving forward — together.
“When you know that you are part of a community, where tens of thousands of people walk with you, it fills you with hope,” says Becky Money, an Innisfail, AB resident who lives with MS. “The powerful message here is that we are stronger together. We are not alone, and we are all MS warriors — whether you are fighting for yourself or someone you love.”
This year, MS Walk is offering teams a creative way to participate with the Team MS Party Pack, which contains event decorations such as balloons and streamers to help participants bring their MS Walk to life. The community will also come together at 12pm ET on May 30, World MS Day, for a live-stream rally with the community.
The MS Society provides information, support and advocacy to people affected by MS, and funds research to find the cause and cure for the disease. Money raised through MS Walk supports the MS Society’s work to advance treatment and care, enhance well-being, understand and halt disease progression, and prevent MS.
MS is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect vision, memory and mobility. Approximately one in every 400 Canadians live with MS, and 12 Canadians are diagnosed every day. It is the most common neurological disease among young adults, with 60 per cent of adults with MS between 20 and 49 years old.
“The MS Walk is a meaningful way for communities across the country to come together to show support, spread awareness and raise funds,” says Becky Mitts, Senior Director, Community Fundraising, MS Society of Canada. “No person living with multiple sclerosis should ever have to walk alone.”
For more information about MS Walk, visit We ask that participants closely monitor information on COVID-19 as released by the Public Health Agency of Canada and their local public health authorities.
About multiple sclerosis and the MS Society of Canada
Canada has one of the highest rates of multiple sclerosis in the world. On average, 12 Canadians are diagnosed every day. MS is a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord). It is considered an episodic disability meaning that the severity and duration of illness and disability can vary and are often followed by periods of wellness. It can also be progressive. Most people are diagnosed with MS between the ages of 20 and 49 and the unpredictable effects of the disease will last for the rest of their lives. The MS Society provides information, support and advocacy to people affected by MS, and funds research to find the cause and cure for the disease, bringing us closer to a world free of MS. Please visit or call 1-800-268-7582 for more information, to get involved, or to support Canadians affected by MS by making a donation.
Join the conversation and connect with the MS community online. Find the MS Society on Twitter, Instagram or like our page on Facebook.
Jennifer Asselin
MS Society of Canada