(TAMPA, FLORIDA, USA, 02 November 2010) – ISPE, a global not-for-profit association of 22,000 pharmaceutical science and manufacturing professionals, announced today that Joyce Chiu has achieved the Certified Pharmaceutical Industry Professional™ (CPIP™) credential by the ISPE Professional Certification Commission (PCC), an independent governing board within ISPE.
To be eligible for CPIP certification, an applicant must hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math (STEM), and 5 years of industry experience, or 10 years experience without a STEM degree. Applicants must also demonstrate professional experience and extensive pharmaceutical industry knowledge. After proving eligibility, applicants must pass a rigorous exam covering product development, facilities and equipment, information systems, and other pertinent areas of pharmaceutical industry knowledge.
“When I began to prepare for my CPIP exam in June 2010, I didn’t think too closely about the benefits of certification; I was mostly just curious about the program, and interested in learning something new,” said Chiu. “Now that I’ve completed the process, I have a great sense of achievement. Overall, the program is very well designed and thought-out. Especially in the experience requirement leading to the eligibility to test, the CPIP program espouses the leadership, change agent behavior that it strives for.”
Chiu continued, “Even though I transitioned to a position outside of the pharmaceutical industry while I was still preparing to take the CPIP exam, I still find the concepts and principles I learned useful. I believe that CPIP is relevant to any industry spanning product development to manufacturing. Of course, it is most relevant to the biotech and pharmaceutical industries, but I find the fundamental principles of science-based approach, good engineering practice and rigorous quality standards to be universal for any manufacturing industry.”
Chiu has over 20 years experience in technical fields related to chemistry and chemical engineering, including six years in the life sciences industry. She has held roles in process engineering, process development, product development, quality systems and project management. She holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from Cornell University and an MBA from Babson College, summa cum laude, with concentration in Entrepreneurship and Marketing.
Chiu has been a Member of ISPE since 2007. She has been very active in the ISPE Boston chapter, having served on the Education Program Committee and Member Services Committee, and organized or collaborated on ten speaker events from 2008 to 2010. She has also organized or served on events at Babson, as well as MDG (Medical Development Group) and WEST (Women Entrepreneurs in Science & Technology), both Boston-based professional organizations.
More information on the CPIP program, including detailed eligibility requirements, exam study guide resources, and an overview of the process, can be found at www.ispe-pcc.org/index.cfm.
About ISPE
ISPE, the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, is the Society of choice for 22,000 technical professionals working in or serving the manufacturing sector or drug development in the pharmaceutical industry in 90 countries. ISPE aims to be the catalyst for “Engineering Pharmaceutical Innovation” by providing Members with opportunities to develop their technical knowledge, exchange practical experience within their community, enhance their professional skills, and collaborate with global regulatory agencies and industry leaders. Founded in 1980, ISPE offers online learning opportunities for a global audience and has its worldwide headquarters in Tampa, Florida, USA; its European office in Brussels, Belgium; an Asia Pacific office in Singapore; and its newest office in Shanghai, China. Visit www.ISPE.org for additional Society news and information.
Danielle Hould Communications Manager ISPE 3109 W Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Suite 250 Tampa, FL 33607 Tel: +1-813-960-2105 ext. 277 Fax: +1-813-264-2816 Email: dhould@ispe.org www.ISPE.org