InterSystems Corporation Release: Radiologists Achieve Dramatic Productivity Gain With Breakthrough Application From Integrated Modular Systems

CAMBRIDGE, MA--(Marketwire - October 12, 2011) -

InterSystems Corporation, a global leader in software for connected care, today announced that radiologists at Saint Anthony Hospital in Chicago are benefiting from a breakthrough application built by Integrated Modular Systems, Inc. (IMSI), an InterSystems application partner. Created with the InterSystems Ensemble® platform for connectable applications, the imsiVOICE-Interactive solution has enabled radiologists at St. Anthony Hospital in Chicago to go paperless and to increase overall productivity by 20 percent. IMSI is a leading integrator of medical imaging and healthcare technology solutions.

Cutting Complexity, Smoothing Workflow

The typical diagnostic radiologist’s workflow, which requires interaction with multiple applications, can be extremely complicated. Images flowing in from picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) must be matched to work requests that are generated from a radiology information system (RIS). After analyzing the images, radiologists dictate a report, review results, and route the information back to the requestor, often via a completely separate system. The fact that radiologists generally work on dozens of cases each day that originate from different information sources adds another layer of workflow complexity.

“I had some ideas of how to improve the workflow and began discussions with IMSI,” said Mark Jundanian, M.D., Chairman of the Medical Imaging Department at St. Anthony Hospital. According to IMSI President John Mazur, “Mark came to us with a vision of what he wanted a radiology reporting system to do, which was to control the entire reporting workflow from a single interface. We were using Ensemble because of its rapid development capabilities, fast response and overall robustness and Saint Anthony was using IMSI’s hosted RIS interfaced with its internal PACS application. We provided connectivity to those systems via HL7 and DICOM, and added an interface to our wireless digital dictation system.”

The imsi VOICE-Interactive solution that emerged from that development process uses InterSystems Ensemble to connect images from the PACS to current work requests and patient information from the RIS, as well as attaching audio files from the dictation system, which are routed to medical transcribers. After the report is reviewed and approved by the appropriate radiologist, it is routed back to the clinician who submitted the original work request.

“We went live with imsi VOICE-Interactive with OneList in January of this year,” Jundanian said. “Fourteen radiologists have been trained on the product and everyone is very pleased.” The Ensemble-based system “is vastly more efficient than our previous system. Regardless of case status or the number of cases in process, the radiologist is presented with the appropriate current clinical data when he reads the case,” he continued.

“We don’t have to wait for paperwork... we can click through to historical images in the case record right from the screen,” Jundanian noted. “The system substantially improves report turnaround time. Emergency department cases, for example, are completed within the hour. Implementing the IMSI solution has enabled us to manage our workflow more effectively than ever before as we’ve moved to an interactive paperless environment.”

The reduction in turnaround time benefits the provider organization as well as each radiologist, according to Jundanian. “The application reduces the chance of a significant error, and thus improves patient safety. As a result, there is a positive impact on care delivery and the satisfaction of referring physicians is significantly increased,” he said.

“IMSI’s Ensemble-based application addresses a workflow issue that has plagued radiologists and health care provider organizations for years,” noted Matt Nee, InterSystems Vice President of North American Sales. “We appreciate the opportunity to provide the advanced integration and composite application development technology required as the platform for their breakthrough application.”

About InterSystems

InterSystems Corporation is a worldwide leader in breakthrough solutions for connected care with headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and offices in 23 countries. InterSystems CACHÉ® is the most widely-used database in clinical applications. InterSystems Ensemble® is a seamless platform for integration and the development of connectable applications. InterSystems HealthShare™ is a strategic platform for healthcare informatics, and the creation of an Electronic Health Record on a regional or national scale. InterSystems DeepSee™ is software that makes it possible to embed real-time analytics capabilities in transactional applications.

InterSystems products are used by thousands of hospitals and labs worldwide, including all 17 hospitals on the Honor Roll of America’s Best Hospitals as rated by U.S. News and World Report.

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About IMSI

Integrated Modular Systems, Inc. (IMSI) is a leading integrator of medical imaging and health care technology solutions. For over 30 years, IMSI has been engineering, installing, customizing and supporting health care technology solutions to meet the individual needs of clients.

With expertise in Web-based products, HL7 and DICOM conformance, IMSI provides affordable on-site and cloud-hosted (SaaS) EMR, RIS, PACS, and digital voice solutions for Radiology and Cardiology providers in hospitals, clinics, and practice environments.

IMSI works with corporate partners in the industry to design and bring to market the most technologically advanced solutions. IMSI concentrates on the needs of clients so they can stay focused on their patients’ diagnostic images. Find out more about IMSI at

About St. Anthony Hospital

Founded in 1897, Saint Anthony Hospital is a faith based, non-profit community teaching hospital dedicated to serving the health needs of Chicago’s near southwest side.

For over 100 years, our physicians and staff have provided medical care, social services, and community outreach to Chicago’s near southwest side communities. Saint Anthony Hospital offers quality and affordable medical services in a caring and supportive environment. Our operating rooms, emergency department and imaging center offer modern technology that helps us in providing our patients the quality services they need in our communities. For more information please visit

Editorial Contacts

Rita Shoor
Shoor & Company
(803) 699-0710

Maureen Flaherty
(617) 621-0600