Health Robotics Reports Sales Records: 44 New Sales in 4Q2011 and 101 New Sales in 2011; Extends IV Robotics Worldwide Undefeated Streak to 24 Months

BOZEN, SUD-TIROL, Italy, January 9, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --

Health Robotics logged another record trimester in 4Q2011, continuing to benefit from its year-old decisions to terminate its contracts with some under-performing distributors, switching channel strategies to directly manage customer operations in certain key countries, and persevering with its crucial approach to replace McKesson in North America.

Health Robotics’ extraordinary 2011 sales and marketing results included 44 new contracts awarded in 4Q2011 [list below] and 101 total contracts awarded in Fiscal Year 2011 (45 in America, 27 in Europe, 25 in Middle East, and 4 in Asia-Pacific), reaching over 250 cumulative installations under contract worldwide [½ IV Robots; ½ clinical workflow software], approximately 10 times more IV Robots’ installations under contract than all of its worldwide direct competitors[1] combined.

Simultaneously, Health Robotics announced that it extended to 24 months [and counting since December 2009] its consecutive streak of winning 100% of all worldwide IV Robots’ publicly announced contracts, universally regarded due to Health Robotics’ 2nd Generation lean technology when candidly compared with its direct competitors’[1] decades-old, bulkier, and very expensive 1st Generation robots.

Gaspar DeViedma, Health Robotics’ Executive Vice President and Board Member, stated: “We will always remember 2011 for taking IV Automation mainstream in the United States of America, reaching USD $20M in revenues, and finally for the unquestionable evidence that, in years past, Health Robotics ex-distributors had gravely burdened the company with sub-par performance; there is simply no other explanation for Health Robotics explosion in customer satisfaction and marketing success after first replacing McKesson and Devon in the USA, and subsequently overhauling its channel strategies to direct sales in Belgium, Holland, and Italy.

Health Robotics’ 44 new contracts (15 robots) signed in 4Q2011 included 8 CytoCare, 6 i.v.STATION, 1 i.v.STATION ONCO, 26 i.v.SOFT, and 3 OMMs at St. Joseph Hospital in Savannah, Candler Hospital in Savannah, Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston, University of Chicago Medical Center, Beijing Union City Hospital, Beijing Military 302 Hospital, Bolzano General Hospital, Asolo Hospital in Montebelluna, Bursa Oncology Hospital, Istanbul Oncology Hospital, and eské Budjovice Hospital in Czech Republik, amongst other customers.

About Health Robotics:

Founded in 2006, Health Robotics is the undisputed global leading supplier of life-critical intravenous medication robots, winning 100% of all worldwide I.V. Robot’s publicly announced purchases in 2010 and 2011, and providing over 250 hospital installations in 5 continents with robotics-based technology and clinical software automation solutions. Health Robotics’ world-leading solutions CytoCare® and i.v.STATION® ONCO [hazardous IVs], i.v.STATION® [non-hazardous IVs], i.v.SOFT® [workflow engine for sterile compounding], OMM® [Oncology Medication Management], MEDarchiver® [life-critical clinical information system], and TPNstation [totally-automated parenteral nutrition] have and will greatly contribute to ease hospitals’ growing pressures to improve patient safety, increase throughput and contain costs. Through the effective and efficient production of sterile, accurate, tamper-evident and ready-to-administer IVs, Health Robotics’ products help hospitals eliminate life-threatening drug and diluent exchange errors, decrease other medical mistakes and sterility risks, work more efficiently, reduce waste and controlled substances’ diversion, and diminish the gap between rising patient volume/acuity and scarce medical, nursing, and pharmacy staff. For more information, please visit:

1. “Worldwide Direct Competitors": IHS/RIVA, Baxa/For Health, MDS, and Panasonic.

For specific requests, please contact: Claudia Flaim, Marketing Coordinator, +39(0471)200-372

SOURCE Health Robotics