Timicoin/TimiHealth, the first to securely and conveniently store medical records using blockchain technology continues to attract the best in healthcare adding most recently Paul Langley PHD to its distinguished advisory board.
AUSTIN, Texas, June 19, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Timicoin/TimiHealth, the first to securely and conveniently store medical records using blockchain technology continues to attract the best in healthcare adding most recently Paul Langley PHD to its distinguished advisory board.
“I was both attracted and intrigued by TimiCoin/TimiHealth’s major innovation of sharing confidential patient health information and overcoming the present dysfunctional and fragmented health information system, notably the siloed electronic health record (EHR) systems,” said Paul Langley, PHD and Health Economist.
“The TimiCoin approach reduces cost and improves timeliness of health research, a truly major innovation for formulary committees faced with the need to assess claims by manufacturers for new products,” said Langley.
“Knowing Paul Langley has the pulse of the healthcare ecosystem and grasps that TimiEHR is providing a working platform so needed in healthcare, it’s thrilling to have him on our advisory board,” said Will Lowe, TimiCoin/TimiHealth’s Co-Founder and Managing Director (www.Timicoin.io).
“Paul has developed impressive guidelines addressing issues in our healthcare system underscoring a need for an evaluation platform,” said Joyce Lignell, who chairs TimiCoin/TimiHealth Board of Advisors.
“As health economists have been forced to build ‘models’ of therapy interventions which not only lack credibility in claims asserted, but have little if any chance of being validated and replicated in a meaningful timeframe, until now,” said Lignell.
TimiEHR allows the practice to integrate disease specific outcomes instruments to track and give feedback to the practice in real time. As health economists, we’re working in a data regime where the costs of doing real-time research are prohibitive - where research such as trials or observational studies are undertaken, we’re having to wait months or years for results to be published.
Langley has developed guidelines addressing this issue pointing to the need for an evaluation platform and has undertaken studies focused on the effectiveness of health interventions at the individual practice and community healthcare level.
“The TimiCoin/TimiHealth program is a major step forward for the entire healthcare industry, which I’m thankful to be a part of,” said Langley.
About TimiCoin/TimiHealth:
The Mobile Health Record Platform provides decentralized medical records from storing to accessing instantly from anywhere in the world in a secure exchange. TimiCoin/TimiHealth (Timicoin.io) is a patent-pending solution to securing patient data, while providing unprecedented portability. The company is actively working on pilot programs in the US, Mexico City and Monterrey, Mexico.
Media Contact: Adrienne Mazzone 561-750-9800 x2270; amazzone@transmediagroup.com
View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/health-economist-paul-langley-phd-joins-timicointimihealth-board-of-advisors-300668390.html
SOURCE TimiCoin/TimiHealth