Here, customers have the possibility to learn more about the solutions that Getinge provides to not only aid in the Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (CABG) procedure but the entire continuum of care.
GETINGE, Sweden, June 5, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Getinge has opened up a brand new acute care section focused on Cardiovascular Procedures in one of its Experience Centers located in Rastatt, Germany. Here, customers have the possibility to learn more about the solutions that Getinge provides to not only aid in the Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (CABG) procedure but the entire continuum of care. For more than 50 years, coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery has been the standard of care for revascularization of patients with coronary artery disease.[1] Today’s CABG patient has a higher risk profile due to multiple co-morbidities, which contributes to an increase in surgical complexity, perioperative complications and cost.[2] These patients present new challenges and have specific resource requirements, from pre-operative stabilization to intra-operative treatment and post-operative recovery. “Our portfolio offers solutions through the patient’s entire CABG pathway. With Cardiohelp and Cardiosave the patient can be stabilized before surgery while using the Pulsion advanced hemodynamic technology for monitoring”, says Markus Stirner-Schilling, Senior Director Acute Care Therapies Global Commercial Operations at Getinge. “During the CABG procedure, we have anesthesia machinesand the option of On Pump CABG with our heart lung machines and perfusion disposables or Off Pump CABG with our stabilizers and positioners. In addition we offer the ability to harvest the vein or radial artery conduit utilizing our Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting Hemopro 2 System. After the procedure and while in the ICU, the recovery of the patient can be supported by our mechanical ventilators.” By opening of the new section Getinge offers increased knowledge sharing and more hands-on workshops focused on this full continuum of care and education surrounding pre-operative stabilization to intra-operative treatment and post-operative recovery. “With the new section in the Experience Center, we have a place to showcase the complete portfolio of our products and solutions to support this kind of therapy.” To learn more about the Experience Center visit 1. European Heart Journal, Volume 34, Issue 37, 1 October 2013, Pages 2862–2872 Media contact: This information was brought to you by Cision The following files are available for download:
SOURCE Getinge | ||||||||
Company Codes: Berlin:GTN, OTC-PINK:GNGBY, Bloomberg:GETIB@SS, ISIN:SE0000202624, LSE:0GZV, OTC-PINK:GNGBF, RICS:GETIB.ST, Stockholm:GETIB, Dusseldorf:GTN, Frankfurt:GTN, Munich:GTN |