Fluorescent biosensors as tools for drug therapeutics

Researchers in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Nottingham have been using Dolomite Microfluidic’s chips to enhance their work on drug encapsulation and therapeutic delivery.

Researchers in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Nottingham have been using Dolomite Microfluidic’s chips to enhance their work on drug encapsulation and therapeutic delivery. Dr Veeren Chauhan, Research Fellow in the Advanced Materials and Healthcare Technologies (AMHT) group, working with Dr Jonathan Aylott and Dr Amjad Selo, explained: “We have been using Dolomite chips since the end of 2017 and, since then, have continuously manufactured an array of uniformly-sized PLGA particles. We can fine-tune the system set-up, depending on the downstream requirements, to provide a consistent particle shape and size, as well as control drug release parameters. These attributes are key to ensuring the correct dose of drug is maintained, achieving maximum therapeutic benefit without unwanted side-effects.”

Amjad added: “We are optimizing conditions to produce fluorescent PLGA to act as a biosensor, storing and releasing biological medicines dependant on environmental changes. These novel particles can detect and monitor specific analytes in the body and, due to their fluorescent properties, can be used to assess biochemical interactions and processes within cells.”

“Using Dolomite’s microfluidic chips has significantly enhanced the innovative work we are able to perform. The beauty of using such small chips means we can produce vast quantities of particles, while occupying very little lab space, and can ensure a continuous flow of homogeneous, reproducible particle batches,” Veeren concluded.

For more information, visit www.dolomite-microfluidics.com.

About Dolomite Microfluidics

Established in 2005, Dolomite Microfluidics has grown to be the world leader in the design and manufacture of high quality innovative microfluidic products.

The company offers a range of microfluidic systems, components and specialist chemicals – including pumps, chips, connectors, temperature controllers, sensors, accessories and custom-made components – as well as software for analysis or automation.

Modularity, ease of use, innovation and scalability are common to all Dolomite Microfluidics products, which are used across a broad range of applications in biology, drug discovery, chemistry, food, cosmetics and academia.

Dolomite is a part of the Blacktrace group of companies, a world leader in Productizing Science®, and has offices in the USA, Japan, India , Brazil and Hanoi as well as a worldwide network of distributors.