EyePACS LLC surpasses the 5 million fundus images in telemedicine provider database
SANTA CRUZ, Calif., June 12, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- EyePACS LLC a privately held company and the leading diabetic retinopathy telemedicine provider in the US, announces that, in February of this year, it has surpassed 5 million retinal images in its global comprehensive retinal diagnostic and study database. Beginning in 2003 with its first deployment in California, the EyePACS comprehensive retina diagnostic and study platform has been used by certified and credentialed eye clinicians to provide retinal assessment for nearly 1 million diabetic patients. Deployed in more than 600 community health centers across the US and additional sites internationally, the EyePACS telemedicine platform is the largest assessment network of its kind for diabetic retinopathy. “We recognized that blindness prevention is actually a primary care task, since the primary care physician is the clinician diabetic patients see most often. The challenge was creating a scenario for getting high quality images, in an environment typically absent any eye care services. It also needed to allow a non-disruptive workflow for a simple and fast upload, assessment and report turn-around process for the community health centers to be as seamless as possible. Our community of patients, clinics, and providers have given us a deep and unique view into retinal screening and chronic disease care in general,” stated Jorge Cuadros, OD, PhD, CEO and co-founder of EyePACS. About EyePACS LLC EyePACS LLC is a privately held company with offices in Santa Cruz, California and offers various programs for Community Health Clinics and Primary Care practices to implement diabetic retinopathy and retina assessment programs, utilizing their proprietary cloud-based Comprehensive Clinical Diagnosis & Study Suite; a diagnostic platform designed for telemedicine. EyePACS LLC was formed in 2011 with founders Jorge Cuadros, O.D., PhD. (CEO), and Wyatt Tellis, PhD.(CIO), and CMO George Bresnick, M.D., co-founder of Vision For All. For information: