An entire lot of the male erectile dysfunction drug The Red Pill is being pulled out of the market following the discovery that it contains some traces of tadalafil.
An entire lot of the male erectile dysfunction drug The Red Pill is being pulled out of the market following the discovery that it contains some traces of tadalafil.
Tadalafil is an ingredient in FDA-approved phosphodiesterase (PDE-5) inhibitors drugs for erectile dysfunction, such as Cialis and Adcirca, both of which are not available without a doctor’s prescription.
With that said, the undeclared presence of tadalafil in The Red Pill effectively makes the product unapproved for use because its efficacy and safety have not been established in this form. Users who have underlying medical conditions might be exposed to serious risks. It can be especially dangerous to patients taking nitrate medications, as this combination could lead to fainting, dizziness, heart attack or stroke. Patients who take nitrates include those with heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.
Tadalafil is also indicated in males diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia and in men and women with pulmonary arterial hypertension.
The recall refers to lot number 26436989, which will not expire until October 20, 2023. Amazon, its online distributor, brought the issue up after its laboratory analysis found The Red Pill to contain tadalafil.
Your Favorite Shop, The Red Pill’s maker, implemented the recall voluntarily and has begun notifying customers by sending Amazon messages and via a press release, arranging for the return of all products from the said lot. Users of The Red Pill from this batch, sold as 10-count blister packs in cartons labeled ASIN B0847BSQQ5, are advised to stop using the product. Those who have experienced adverse reactions or any related problems should contact the FDA’s MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program.
The Red Pill, marketed as the “pill that never sleeps,” is being sold to help “improve natural energy and performance.” Customers take one pill two hours before its desired effect, with no more than one capsule to be taken within 48 hours. Reviews on the Amazon website are mixed, with some saying positive things about its effectiveness and others reporting headaches and some neck pain.
It is not clear whether or not other batches might be affected by the recall announcement. As of this writing, no adverse events have been reported in relation to its use. Your Favorite Shop has yet to make an official statement about the matter.